First time

the middle of my plant is getting kind of discolored I wouldn’t call it yellow but a different kind of green. Is this normal? I haven’t introduced any nuts yet since my soil is pretty rich (fox farm). But because of the burnt tips I was thinking nut burn. Also was thinking possibly ph. Any ideas or input?
Hello fellow friends, I am a new grower looking for some insight on my plant and my grow tent setup. It's coming to the third week since it sprouted and I believe it is not growing as fast as it should. My setup is: - 60x60x160 cm tent - soil is a mix of coco and perlite (pH 6.8) - seed strain Moby Dick - light is a 150W LED light, distance from plant 15-20 cm, light cycle 20/4 and I have 2 of the 3 bulbs on at half intensity for now Link to the LED light: My temperatures and RH shift...

Completed Newbie grower

Week six, been sticking to the canna nutes feed guide, and have now dialled in rh and temp, This is the result at 6 weeks into a 12 week auto jack, And 6 weeks into a 10 week auto white widow,

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