First time ever

Now moving on to week 10 - still drinking lots of water. Water 5L each, every 3 days, giving them a good wet / dry cycle. I think one more week of nutes then will move on to just water until those trichs start to change. I didnt think Sweet zz would out do the banana blaze at the beginning...
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Indoor Grow Journals
So happy with how these are looking at the mo. For a first time I’m pretty pleased. going to stop feeding them nutes after next week- just water from there on out. Sweet zz has exploded !! That’s the larger more grown plant - lots of leaf banana blaze has the nicest looking buds- but...
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Indoor Grow Journals
Week 7 ending - still got a bit of aftermath from the suspected nitrogen toxicity. I’ve completely cut BioBloom from the feeding schedule, but they problem doesn’t seem to be 100% gone. New growth looks fairly healthy. Sweet ZZ is soldiering in though and no signs of anything wrong there so...
Week 6 has ended. not the best weeks as my Dutch passion banana blaze has a nitrogen toxicity. I’ve completely flushed the coco through, re-fed but this time I have left out the Biobizz Grow as it contains a lot. Then resumed usual amounts of the other nutes. Smells nice though and the bud...
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Indoor Grow Journals
Week 5 is ending, seemed to have sorted some of the nutrient issues I think I was having. Flushed both plants with 2.5l plain water (6.2 at source stuff). I had previously PHing their feed to around 6.4 but soon realised that for coco 5.5-6ish recommended. watering has been upped to 2.5L, 3...
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Indoor Grow Journals
Week 4 is coming to an end. Nice and bushy. few issues in the tent with humidity- still can’t get it down. Have added a dehumidifier but no difference, apart from it’s just adding heat to the tent have a few issues with rusty spots so lifted the lights today to 24 inches- leaves were also...
So I realise I have updating my journal in the wrong way, this week I figured it out (see entry 1 for the previous 2 weeks!) massive growth this week, feeling accomplished :hump: I do have something strange occurring with one of the plants though, I think it’s eaither a bit of calmag...
2 min read
New Grower Journals
So first week of germination is almost over. And I feel all in all I am maybe a little behind. Don’t seem to have achieved much growth. I germinated the seeds using riot cubes & propagator pro kit. I wasn’t totally sure of what conditions they needed so they were probably a bit too cold and not...

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