Auto Bluntness e4


Watering and twisting.
Mix: 6l water ph 7.38 I like to mix anything with N's (highest to lowest)first but I was given a advance nuts ph balanced micro,grow,bloom and it has it's own order. So I go micro 20ml stir ph 6.96 after. Cal mag 10ml stir, 20ml grow (didn't bother to check ph), 5ml hydro thrive( don't know if it does anything but its cheap and I always used i)stir,. 10ml hygrozyme(was given to me have no clue if it does anything, buddy likes it) I have decided to use this every other week only. Then last 20ml bloom, my thinking is to give ph balanced crap last go at ph level, final ph 6.35 without me ever adjusting ph and ppm 1382. This is first time with this mix used lesser version of this at 300ppm total and just water first week(sorry I lied and tried like a dumbass a micro, grow, bloom mix at 125ppm stupid move should of stuck with water first week). I'm depending on soil early then all add a strong Fertz later on it's own.

p.s. I stir every time i add something just forgot to add everytime and I'm tight with my money so I collect twist ties and the silica packets when I by crap to use, like the silica packets for my bean storage box. Cheers :)


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