Auto Blundness My females did not practise safe sex

Sad day my friends, I failed my girls as a father and did not preach the virtues of "safe sex" and now they pay the price. About a week ago freezing rain knocked out power and by the time I awoke the room reached a chilly 15c. I've had many experience with this outdoor and have lost many a girl to frost in the bush(can cover them at home) and low temps can be a MF for making your plants very confused and switch sides. Oh well it is what it is, but on a side note I bought one hell of a grill with side sizzler and watched about 15 you tube video how to sizzle / caramelize and grill a steak.Confirmed fact I can cook one hell of a steak just dripping with savory juices all trapped in med rare, just so you know my steaks skills can be confirmed by my son, my girlfriend and my best mate.

I have more auto flower seeds so I will start another grow in few days , I'll fill room with the 16 mothers and put some auto flower in the extra space and maybe 2 in my kids tent.
Cheers mates and may your buds be dense and your grow be smart.


Strictly speaking, masturbation in and of itself is not a sin. Adultery is. There is no doctrine that addresses masturbation as such. Not sure if your sex toys are with or without a partner, but the end result is the same since you’re not married.The Christian thought process goes something like:
Jesus said that if you commit the sin in your heart, you’ve committed the sin.It is a sin to lust for a person that is not your spouse. Therefore, it is a sin to masturbate because you will be lusting (toy or no toy).So, according to Christian dogma, you cannot sin while masturbating, or using a sex toy, with your spouse if you’re thinking/lusting for your spouse at the time.I use a vibrator from here and I don't consider it a sin tho!

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