Auto American Pie (Pyramid) - day 43

"Ambition is pitiless. Any merit that it cannot use it finds despicable." - Elenore Roosevelt

Well, I have learned a very good life lesson about Ambition. I was wayyyy too ambitious trying to grow 2 plants in a 15" x 24" footprint cabinet.

It quickly became apparent that I did not have the horizontal real estate necessary to adequately train/manage the plants during the stretch. There is just nowhere to train the colas to go.

They had (at one point) reached the light fixture. They just wouldn't quit stretching. I have been doing massive suppercropping and trellising to try to manage the situation. Nevertheless, it is what it is. I have about 5-6" max of space between tops and light fixture. I only have bud production for the first 6" of plant despite defoliating as much as I think I can get away with. I don't expect a very big yield and I expect light burn at some point.

Lesson learned: only one plant. Also, probably better to avoid topping and let the main cola grow but train it (LST) to grow out from the base as much as possible, tie her down and let the secondary colas have the space to grow. Good lessons learned in my second grow.

FWIW, I am still running between 700-800 ppm and 5.9 - 6.1. Megacrop, CalMag+, 1-15-30 PK booster, benes.


I'm new to this though I would suggest that's a very small space for two plans. Perhaps hus one plant and LST would be better. Make use of the space available through even more separation of the stems to spread out more and even perhaps topping?
Both were topped after 4th node and I LST's the heck out of them. I super-cropped most of the branches too. This was supposed to be a relatively shorter strain as well.

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