6th week update

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Thought I would give a 6 week update. Since my last entry I went and got a 5 x 5 Grow tent with brand new 5 x 5 grow light..Everything is coming along fine. The second round seems to be coming along better than the first round in six weeks. As of yesterday I did notice a deficiency problem and I think I pinpointed it to a Calcium deficiency. So I started them at Cal Mag. I am doing a full strength of Newt as foxfarm recommends. Continuing to give them fish it as well. As of watering is tricky they seem to be needing to be fed every day. Noticed today the first signs of flowering with the white pistols coming out will be starting them full dose of tiger bloom along with bigbloom.My pH balance is between6.4 & 6.5.
new light.jpg
new light.jpg


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