Sixty days going strong. Watering every couple days ish. The bigger plants drink a bit more than the smaller girls but not much. They just got watered on Friday, pics were taken Saturday. Recently added an AC Infinity 6in fan and filter, much needed, the girls was odorific. The smell reminds me of purple rubber bait worms but real strong, not the subtle way the worms smelled.
I should have top dressed with Dr Earth Bloom before I watered this round, topped dressed them today with about 4 to 5 Tbsp depending on the size of the plant, the larger getting the Tbsp of Dr Earth Tomato Vegetable and Herb Dry Fertilizer. Should have fed her sooner.

Fast and Easy (SoHum)


Pretty sure my lights were to close for a bit. She grew and flowered so fast
I wanted her to have a bunch of light, with her the next one suffered a bit as well.
She's short, the buds are rock hard and slowly getting bigger with very few cloudy or amber trichomes.
Out of the 4 she is the only one with any cloudy or amber trichomes.

She's a freak (Great Lakes Water Only Soil)


Her buds are super sticky, tight, and frosty. Getting thick, going to be a nice tasty smoke.
From the get go she wanted to claw, then when some of my sugar leaves tips yellowed
I tossed a bit of water in there, maybe a knee jerk reaction but it did seem to stop it.
Problem being is it was at about that time I realized maybe my lights are to low. I have
Moved the lights up and all the plants seem to be more relaxed if that makes sense.

She a little stressed at the moment (SoHum)



I untied her for a little bit, but she didn't behave as I felt she needed to, couple of real nice long cola's in front
I still have to LST her to get good light on them. She's been pretty easy to grow over all taken tons of newbie abuse,
including a broken branch at day 46. Put it back on, Im not even sure what one now.
Just started showing signs of Potassium pulling from the lower leaves.
The top dress and a little early watering should handle that. I hope.
Otherwise going to be a great yield I think, buds are sticky and finally putting on a little heft to them.

Im Colin Jost and she's Scarlett Johansson (Great Lakes Water Only Soil)


Scarlett, this girl. Wow. Hasn't given me any issues. LST wasn't on her long, great natural spread.
Even before I selective defoliated this girl, she got light everywhere.
Elegant and tall, with long colas that have taken a little bit to bulk up. Hoping the lights
didn't harm her, as she has been the closest to the XS2000. Otherwise has not shown any signs of a problems in anyway.
Not really frosty leaves, like a couple of the others, willing to let this girl show me what's up in the coming weeks.


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