1st soil and 1st outdoor grow - 3 soil systems, 4 pots, all organic

After 8 DWC grows, some successful, some not, but huge strides in learning regardless, I am jumping into organic soil and outdoor growing. After reading, research and still being somewhat confused on methods, I am trying (3) different systems in 4 pots. I initially thought I would start with 2 but I always pop an insurance bean and I had the stuff, so . . .

All seeds soaked 24 hrs. water plus humic/seaweed, then popped into Root Riots. All popped on 4.28.21. I did 2 RRs side by side in 2 pots, then separated them out at day 5 into 4 pots. All seeds were freebies, hence the experiment. I have learned more about growing through failing (and I have done lots of that), so I figured let’s get on with it. I feel reasonably certain I’ll be a better grower after this experiment.

All pots outdoors (approx. Mediterranean latitude). I move them in the garage when necessary to avoid storms, hard rain, etc. The first few days post-germ were cloudy, so I put them under a 6500k T5 at 6” until day 5. Each pot as 2" layer of hardwood mulch.

1. 5 gal. Smart Pot – Amnesia Haze Auto (Seedsman). Kind Soil water only system per instructions. Water only (pH 6.5-7.1).

2. 3 gal. Smart Pot – American Pie Auto (Pyramid). Kind Soil system per instructions –Water only (pH 6.5-7.1).

3. 5 gal. Smart Pot – Amnesia Haze Auto (Seedsman). Soil mix as follows:
- 2.5 gal. organic potting mix (compost, screened pine bark, lava sand, cc, ewc, exp. shale, perlite)
- 8 cups personal compost
- 4 cups “other” compost (mushroom/other),
- (.4) cups (approx. 1/3 lb.) Espoma Garden Lime
- 1 cup Grow Well organic fertilizer 7-5-7 (meat and bone meal, feather meal, sulfate of potash, poultry manure)
-3 TBSP Azomite
-1 cup EWC

Mixed well - did not cook.
Will water every other time with a small amount (20% recommended strength) of Garret Juice .2-1-.2 (hydrolyzed fish, liquid seaweed, molasses, apple cider vinegar, bacs and mycos). GW in transplant hole.

4. 3 gal. Smart Pot – American Pie Auto (Pyramid). Organic potting mix (see above) only. Will top dress with organic fertilizer as necessary – or maybe Jobe spikes. GW in transplant hole.

Special thanks to @pop22 , @Mañ'O'Green, @Proph , @Waira and others in the AFN community for sharing their knowledge.

Thanks for following and please chime in with suggestions, observations, etc. Especially interested in opinions about the soil mix as I used extant materials (except for azomite and ewc). I'm sure there is massive room for improvement there so looking for feedback. Happy growing all.

Pics from day 5



Looks good. I'm going organic for my first grow too. Just put my first beans in to soak last night, in a paper towel now. I hope you'll post your progress every week or so?

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