1st Grow Ever. Fastbuds Forbidden Runtz - Weeks 7-9

Weeks 7-9 (Aug 3-23)

- About 20" above each main cola. Ran at 80% on dimmer for the first few days of week 7 then kicked it up to 100% for the rest. 18 on 6 off.
Conditions - Down to 70F/55%. Trying to get the RH even lower in week 8 and 9 but August heat/humidity is being difficult. Running AC, exhaust fan and large dehumidifier non-stop (not-ideal). Emptying dehumidifier tank twice daily. RH bouncing between 40-55% at night and 50-65% during day. Temp steady at 70F.
Feeding - Once a day. Feeding to 20% or more runoff every time. They are really drinking these days, even in week 9. I'm going through 2 gallons every day.
Week 7 (per gallon) - 1.8 Calmag/2.5 Micro/1.3 Grow/2.7 Bloom/1 Rapid Start
Week 8 (per gallon) - 2.2 Calmag/2.25 Micro/.5 Grow/3 Bloom/1 Rapid Start (Increased Calmag because large plant started to yellow, but I think this is natural)
Week 9 (per gallon) - 1.8 Calmag/2.25 Micro/0 Grow/4 Bloom/ 4 Kool Bloom (Pistils turning brown so stopped Grow and added Kool Bloom)
Schedule - Lights on at 4pm, lights off at 10AM. Feeding at 6PM

I think I'm almost at the end, especially on the big plant. As of today the big plant has about 40% brown pistils and the small plant has about 20%. Both smell strong and GREAT! Trichomes are not amber at all on either plant.

Harvest plans: I think it might be time to start flushing the big plant but I'm not sure. I emailed Fastbuds and made a post on the forum here to get some feedback. I think the small plant is about 1 week behind the big one so that will make harvesting a little more difficult. I'd like to try a staggered harvest because lower buds are still immature compared to those at the top of the canopy (didn't do enough defoliation, and made a few other mistakes that caused this).

Unsure about how to go about flushing/staggered harvest. I'm thinking about flushing for 1 week then clipping only the mature buds to dry. But then what? Do I start feeding the now half harvested plant the same amount of nutrients as before flush? Or do I just keep flushing? Will do more research and report back. Can't wait to enjoy the fruits of my labor!




my i ask why you are flushing.as flushing only removes the salt's out of the pot not the plant as you are watering to 20% run off you will not have salt build up so why flush.You want have to worry about taken the top then letting the bottom finish if you dont flush you can just harvest when ready
my i ask why you are flushing.as flushing only removes the salt's out of the pot not the plant as you are watering to 20% run off you will not have salt build up so why flush.You want have to worry about taken the top then letting the bottom finish if you dont flush you can just harvest when ready

I'm was planning on flushing just because most of the info I've read says its what you have to do. However, what you're saying makes a lot of sense so I might go that route instead.

I'm still thinking of staggered the harvest because of how undeveloped the lower buds are compared to the top ones. Is there a chance the top buds could become overdeveloped if I wait for the lower ones to catch up, or am I overthinking it?
I'm was planning on flushing just because most of the info I've read says its what you have to do. However, what you're saying makes a lot of sense so I might go that route instead.

I'm still thinking of staggered the harvest because of how undeveloped the lower buds are compared to the top ones. Is there a chance the top buds could become overdeveloped if I wait for the lower ones to catch up, or am I overthinking it?
Hello staggerd harvest is fine if the tops are ready chop them then wait for the others IMHO flushing is point less i tried it when i first started there is no differance at all just ease up on your feed for a couple off days and you will be fine

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Guy Incognito
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2 min read
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