1st Grow Ever. Fastbuds Forbidden Runtz - Week 5-6

Weeks 5-6 (July 21 - Aug 2)
Light - Week 5: Early in the week had light at 28" and 65% on dimmer. Talk with Enzo from Fastbuds who has the same light and advised me to raise it and lower the lux to try to get some stretching. Raised light as high as it can go (31" or so) and put dimmer on 60%. One of the plants seemed to respond to this.
Week 6: Flowering started so I lowered the light back down a bit and increased the dimmer to 75%, then 80% late in the week. By the end of week 6 the big plant was only 20" below light. Can't move light any higher now. Will have to figure out a way to mount light more flush to ceiling before next grow.
Conditions - Down to 72F/54%
Feeding - Once a day. Good soaking with slight runoff one day, then good soaking with 10-20% runoff the next day. (Repeat) (Thanks @Mañ'O'Green for the fertigation help!). Still sticking with this plan. They are really drinking these days. I'm going through 4 gallons every couple days.
Week 5 (Per gallon): 3ML Calmag / 2.25ML of Micro, Grow, and Bloom / 1ML Rapid Start
Week 6 (Per gallon): 1.8ML Calmag / 2.5ML Micro / 1.5ML Grow / 2.5ML Bloom / 1ML Rapid Start
PH 6.1/PPM 570-600 Range
Schedule - Lights on at 4pm, lights off at 10AM. Feeding at 6PM

Still getting the hang of dialing in the conditions. Using a dehumidifier with the AC unit now and I think they are sort of fighting each other at times. Still have a good control on the temp and fairly good on the RH. Will have to sit down and recalibrate the exhaust fan's hygrometer in the future. Could probably benefit from getting a few of those Inkbird sensors to plug the AC and dehumidifier into so that they run more efficiently.

As mentioned above, the big plant really stretched out these past few weeks. I tried my hand at defoliating a little bit of the smaller plant hoping it would help it grow but that doesn't seem to have really worked. Light position and intensity should alleviate the need to try that again in the future as I'd rather only defoliate during Flowering if at all.

I was surprised that they started flowering as soon as they did. I'm wondering if my overdoing it with the light made that happen.



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Guy Incognito
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