1st Grow Ever. Fastbuds Forbidden Runtz - Week 1

Hi everyone,

This is my first attempt at growing. Any help and criticism is very welcome and appreciated!

FastBuds Forbidden Runtz
5x5 room (passive intake from temp conditioned house) with 8" AC Infinity exhaust fan and filter
Spider Farmer SF4000
Mother Earth 70/30 coco/ perlite
GH Trio - Rapid Start - Calmag

Day 1 (germination):
Lightly soaked Root Riot cubes with distilled water Ph'd down to 6
Took seeds out of package and placed directly into cubes using tweezers
Put cubes in slightly vented humidity dome
Put dome on top of heat mat set at 79 degrees F
Put setup in 5x5 grow room.
Hygrometer inside dome reading: Average temp - 77 F / Average RH - 67%

Day 2 and 3 (germination):
Just misted the cubes with water slightly and kept everything else the same.

Day 4 (germination)
First one started poking through in AM, second one in PM. Put 6500k CFL bulb in reading lamp 5 inches above cubes
Everything else the same. Humidity dome still on, heating mat still on, still misting cubes when dry

Day 1 (seedlings)
Both seedlings above ground now.
Got rid of heating pad. Cut large rectangle in top of humidity dome to allow direct light and air in.
Turned on Spider Farmer SF4000. 9000 Lux, 27 inches above seedlings. Running light 24 hours.
Turned on room fan, heater and humidifier to keep conditions at Average temp - 77 F / Average RH - 67%
Bubble bucket of tap water had been aerating for over 24 hours. PH 8 / PPM 220
Ph'd water down to 5.8 / PPM now at 229
Added small amount of Rapid Start - PH up to 5.9 / PPM up to 240
Misted cubes with this mixture.
Prepped two 5 gallon fabric pots of Mother Earth 70/30 coco/perlite

Day 2 (seedlings)
Both seedlings looking good. Tap roots coming out of the bottom of both cubes
Transplanted cubes from dome into 5 gallon fabric pots of Mother Earth 70/30 coco/ perlite
Fed each plant one cup of tap water/Rapid start mixture - PH 5.9 - PPM 240. Started at root and circled outwards using small mixing cup with spout.
(Feeling a little nervous and unsure of how much water to give. Want to avoid overwatering. Focusing on keeping root area damp and circle outwards somewhat)
Put humidity domes on top of seedlings now in 5 gallon pots.
Average temp - 77 F / Average RH - 67%

Days 3,4,5 (seedlings)
Seedlings still look pretty good. Center of leaves looks slightly lighter than outside of leaves (see pictures). Does this look ok? 20210626_204445.jpg
Keeping the humidity domes on top of seedlings about half the day. Humdifier on all day. Light keeping the room pretty warm (too warm sometimes).
Thought seedlings looked stretched on days 3 and 4 so lowered light to 24 inches, still on 9,000 lux. Running light 24 hours.
Brought light back up to 27 inches day 5, increased lux to 14,000. 20 hours on, 4 hours off
Feeding each plant one cup of tap water/Rapid start mixture once a day (PH 5.8/PPM 240). Focusing on keeping root area damp and circling outwards
Average temp - 77 F / Average RH - 67%
May have to install ac unit to offset heat from light once lux are increased.

Al pictures from today which is day 5 of seedlings




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How's it going 3 weeks later?

I have read that for the first few days, seedlings getting only a cap full of water, every 12 hours to avoid overwatering... It's what I'm going to try...

Quick Question: What's a Bubble bucket? what does it do (I'm assuming aerates the water?

Have you grown before? your documentation is so detailed,
How's it going 3 weeks later?

I have read that for the first few days, seedlings getting only a cap full of water, every 12 hours to avoid overwatering... It's what I'm going to try...

Quick Question: What's a Bubble bucket? what does it do (I'm assuming aerates the water?

Have you grown before? your documentation is so detailed,

Hey friend! This is my first grow so I decided to document everything so that I could replicate and/or adjust my actions on future grows.

I'm not sure if "bubble bucket" is the right term (I think I saw another poster use the term). But it's just a 5 gallon bucket with an aquarium pump and airstones hooked up. I keep it going 24/7 to aerate the water.

Things are going pretty good still. Plants are healthy but a little shorter than I expected. Tried messing around with light height and intensity this past week to get them to stretch, but decided to just put the light back to where I had it before and hope that the genentics will kick in and they'll stretch on their own.

I'll post a new blog with some pictures today or tomorrow.

Good luck with your grow!
Hey friend! This is my first grow so I decided to document everything so that I could replicate and/or adjust my actions on future grows.

I'm not sure if "bubble bucket" is the right term (I think I saw another poster use the term). But it's just a 5 gallon bucket with an aquarium pump and airstones hooked up. I keep it going 24/7 to aerate the water.

Things are going pretty good still. Plants are healthy but a little shorter than I expected. Tried messing around with light height and intensity this past week to get them to stretch, but decided to just put the light back to where I had it before and hope that the genentics will kick in and they'll stretch on their own.

I'll post a new blog with some pictures today or tomorrow.

Good luck with your grow!

Can't wait.... just switched on email notification for your posts :yay:

I'm still at the assembling kit stage and will build the tent, lights etc and hopefully start germination this weekend.
Well @Guy Incognito (and other guys @EP3 @Olderfart @Capn Bligh )

here's where Ive got up to... not bad for just a few days to get it together!My kit so far...

TENT: Spider Farmer tent

  • 1 × SF2000 Full Spectrum LED Grow Light
  • 1 × " x 47" x 71" Grow Tent
  • 1 × 4” Inline Duct Fan
  • 1 × 4” Carbon filter
  • 1 × Flex Air Aluminum Ducting
  • 1 × Fan Speed Controller
  • 4 × 5 Gallon Grow Bags
Potting medium: - (70 Coco/30 perlite - washed)

Pots & Irrigation
New version of Auto pot, with fabric bags for better root formation & aeration.
AutoPot FlexiPot 4 System- Fabric Pots & 47L Tank https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/114136876162

Seeds from 24 fast seeds, a U.K. seed bank
1. Northern Lights High THC Indica - narcolepsy, Insomnia
2. Jack Herer High THC - Sativa (ADHD)
3. A CBD plant, 20:1 to mix with the northern lights or Jack to reduce anxiety of stronger strains
4. 1:1 THC: CBD to make into a 3 g to 1-ounce oil concentration.

NB Medicinal Grow. I plan to try & replicate my (soon to come) legal cannabis prescription. growing my own once I know the stuff that works.

Pleased that these are all medically suitable, and are all moderate stinky smelling, as got to test before going too dank!

Ardent Flex Decarboniser
MEGA TREAT!!! I generally use infusions, and occasionally vape, but no longer smoke spliffs.

So I invested in one of these 'bad boys'Top of the range and means I can start to experiment with blending my own medicinal infusions. can do all sorts of edibles to perfection, and no bloody decarbing in my oven, and slow cooking oil for hours to get my meds!!!


On my Wishlist
Trimming - praying to get a yield to justify getting one!
- Trim Tray (£55, inc all tools, on Ebay - BUD HARVEST Trim Tray for buds, 150 Micron)

cheap humidifier - (not sure if this one will work?!?) £16 Amazon product


I've got a science & paramedical degree, so love the whole 'lab coat' approach to growing and blending my own medication! really appeals to the scientist in me.

But am getting very overwhelmed trying to get my head round
- nutrients,
- humidity, and
- water pH, and then
- managing lights so I dont scorch the little darlings!

All of which I havint a clue!

Its only been a few days ago that I decided I was going to start 'BREAKING BUD!" and have been crash course teaching myself for last few days... feeling rather proud TBH :headbang: :woohoo:

But I want to start germination this weekend, so any advcie on these would be ace!

- nutrients,
- humidity, and
- water pH, and then
- managing lights

Cheers for helping the new girl out :worship:
Subbed in! Have you decided on what you are going to use for a grow medium? Those autopots have me reaching for my wallet lol. Maybe after this run.
Subbed in! Have you decided on what you are going to use for a grow medium? Those autopots have me reaching for my wallet lol. Maybe after this run.

dude, you know! The system looks lush and took me hours of deliberating as to which units to get - between plastic and fabric.

They’re more expensive than the plastic ones but I can understand why now: The air root pruning of fabric pots makes so much sense.

Glad to have found out about fabric pots before investingin my autopot system.

And I’m using Potting medium: - (70 Coco/30 perlite - washed)

I’m sorry, I don’t understand what you mean by ‘Subbed in’? Is it a football comment (i.e. substituted in?)
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Subbed just means to follow your progress.

I have the same light as you and I grow in coco. I am not an expert, but I am happy to share what I know with you anytime. Just ask away. I will tag a good friend I have made on AFN and has nailed the auto pots down with trial and error. Top bloke and sure he will help you out. @St. Tom, hope you don't mind?
Ha Ha, Subbed means that someone is actually following your grow journal. You should start your own thread to document your grow. Quite a few peeps here will keep track, and having a journal in place sometimes makes helping out a bit easier.

Your setup sounds excellent. Given your technical background you should have no difficulty getting on to this stuff. One thing though, that 2x4 is going to get really crowded with four plants. Even with a relatively small plant or two, I don't do more than three in my 2x4, and mine is slightly oversized (DIY, :biggrin:). If your coco girls get big, that 2x4 will be plugged. Ah well, keep the clippers handy.

Good luck with it :pighug:
Ha Ha, Subbed means that someone is actually following your grow journal. You should start your own thread to document your grow. Quite a few peeps here will keep track, and having a journal in place sometimes makes helping out a bit easier.

Your setup sounds excellent. Given your technical background you should have no difficulty getting on to this stuff. One thing though, that 2x4 is going to get really crowded with four plants. Even with a relatively small plant or two, I don't do more than three in my 2x4, and mine is slightly oversized (DIY, :biggrin:). If your coco girls get big, that 2x4 will be plugged. Ah well, keep the clippers handy.

Good luck with it :pighug:

Thanks for stopping by

Now that's a good idea ( a single thread) ! was wondering how to store my entries, and do want to document my progress. I'll set one up.

Thanks for the feedback on the setup. I like to be equipped, and see this as an investment...

Good advice on the number of plants in the 2X4 tent: Forgot to say, I'm only going to grow 3 plants at a time, replicating the medical prescriptions recently prescribed.
Subbed just means to follow your progress.

I have the same light as you and I grow in coco. I am not an expert, but I am happy to share what I know with you anytime. Just ask away. I will tag a good friend I have made on AFN and has nailed the auto pots down with trial and error. Top bloke and sure he will help Hsyou out. @St. Tom, hope you don't mind?

Well that's going to be helpful that we have same light - thanks for your generous offer to help - definite will hear from me again - I've not even taken it out of the box when it arrived this weekend - didn't want to risk it, so will unbox & mount in place this weekend..
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Good advice on the number of plants in the 2X4 tent: Forgot to say, I'm only going to grow 3 plants at a time, replicating the medical prescriptions recently prescribed.

Three autos should work fine, one of them is likely to not be big, and if they try to outgrow the space, you can trim them. Can I assume that all your seeds are autos? Best not to mix autos and photos in the same tent, doable, but will not get the best out of the autos.

I think you are going to enjoy that setup. :pighug:
Three autos should work fine, one of them is likely to not be big, and if they try to outgrow the space, you can trim them. Can I assume that all your seeds are autos? Best not to mix autos and photos in the same tent, doable, but will not get the best out of the autos.

I think you are going to enjoy that setup. :pighug:
Yes, all three are autos. I don’t dare doing photos-too scaryAt this stage and I like the idea of a quicker harvest.
Yes, all three are autos. I don’t dare doing photos-too scaryAt this stage and I like the idea of a quicker harvest.

Sounds like you are off to a great start.

Autos are a better bet for most indoor home growers these days IMO. They usually stay small enough for tents, there is not a lot of sacrifice in yield over time, and if the genetics are good, they produce really fine bud. If you can grow monsters to maturity outdoors, photos can make sense because you can grow trees. But they rarely or never get to maturity before cold wet weather shuts them down and brings on the bud rot where I live, so for me, it is autos only. Unless I get bored and want to try a photo indoors just to see what I can do with one. Boredom has not been a problem so far though, the learning curve is still pretty steep. Learning new useful stuff is good. :biggrin:

Blog entry information

Guy Incognito
Read time
3 min read
Last update

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