1st Grow Ever. Fastbuds Forbidden Runtz - Days 6-10

Days 6-9
Getting settled into somewhat of a rhythm now.
Lights 11k-14k (20%-30% on my dimmer) depending on what I can get away with heat-wise. 28" above plants. 20 hrs on/4 off everyday (Need to get a timer).
Feeding once a day with tap water/Rapid Start - "Wet" plant is getting 1 1/2 cups, "Dry" plant is getting 1 cup. Much less on day 9 because coco was still pretty wet.
Humidity domes on often
Away for most of day 8 while hiking and everything stayed steady with temp/RH. I was super excited and relieved to see that!
Average conditions: 77F / 63%
Plus 90F outside most days. Light putting off heat as lux increases. Both probably leading to difficulty keeping temp below 77F, even with fan running hard and often.

Day 10 (7/1/21)
Woke to find that temp had gotten over 80F overnight.
Dimmer had been up to 30% and AC feeding in from vents in laundry room hadn't been running as much during slightly cooler nighttime.
Coco had gone from pretty wet to fairly dry overnight and "Wet" plant was drooping.
Quickly mixed up their first batch of complete nutes in water that had been aerating overnight.
2ML of each in 2 gallons of tap water: Micro/Grow/Bloom/Calmag. PH 6.1/PPM 360
Aerated for 20 minutes then fed both plants a little more than usual.
Positioned fans directly next to both sides of vents running between box and laundry room to force more AC air from laundry room into box.
Turned dimmer back down to 20%.
Got temp down to 76F
Drooping plant bounced back at about 7pm

Day 10:
Both looking pretty happy (I think)


"Wet" drooping in the AM

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Guy Incognito
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