1st Grow Ever. Fastbuds Forbidden Runtz - Days 13-16

Days 13, 14, 15
Light - 28" / 20/4 on/off / 30% on dimmer (15k Lux)
Conditions - 77F/65% - Heat from light getting to be too much. Humidity a little hard to control due to high humidity outside.
Feeding - Rest of 1st batch of nutes / 2 light feedings a day
Little to no drooping since increasing to 2 feedings daily.
Both plants looking magnesium deficient. Smaller plant also calcium deficient.
Fear of burning plants caused me to underfeed, particularly cal-mag.

Day 16 (7/7/21)
Light - Down to 26" / 20/4 on/off / Up to 55% on dimmer (30k Lux)
Conditions - 80F/61% - Turned light up for more lux and heat went up over 80F even with fan running constantly. Will install window ac unit this weekend. Brought humidity down now that plants are out of seedling stage.
Feeding - First feeding for 2nd batch of nutes in PM. About twice as much water as usual for both plants. Hoping to fix Cal and Mag deficiencies.
Per gallon: 3ML CalMag / 2.5ML Micro / 2.5ML Grow / 1ML Bloom / 1.2ML Rapid Start - PH 6.2/PPM 570
Considering adopting nutes for 3 days then just water on the 4th day schedule




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Guy Incognito
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