12 weeks


They have been on 12/12 light cycles for almost a month now.
Seems like my 4" ventilation system can't keep up with the high temperatures as of late.
Sometimes I have to leave the tent completely open in order to not heat stress them.
I also have 2 fans running all day.
The yellow bucket plant is now 25" tall.
The green pot plant is 22 1/2" tall.
The other 3 plants in brown pots are 19" tall now even.
Some bushier than others.
Measuring them all from the rim of the pots.
Feeding regular doses of Tiger Bloom every other feeding.
When not adding nutrients, they drink PH balanced spring water.
Overall I think they are doing fine but definitely on the smaller side.
These plants were not topped or cropped.
I just let them grow as they are and talk to them often XD
Any comments or suggestions are very much appreciated.
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Seems like my 4" ventilation system can't keep up with the high temperatures as of late.
I pre apologize if you've mentioned it already, but do you have an intake fan? I believe it's a must have for proper airflow, and to keep the temps in check.
I pre apologize if you've mentioned it already, but do you have an intake fan? I believe it's a must have for proper airflow, and to keep the temps in check.
No I don't have a proper intake fan. Just the vent system kicking hot air out, a little fan inside the tent at all times and a huge one outside for when it gets really hot. That's it.
I need one asap.
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