Yellow/Bright Green tips.

Nov 29, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
MedGom, Pineapple Express, Compassion Lime, BerryBlue, Critical Jack Herer, Afghan Kush
Hi everyone first time poster here! Haven't grown in 11 years and this is my first indoor grow, I really missed this fun hobby and have been really excited to stumble upon this forum. It is the only one so far that does not degrade into insulting comments and general abuse half way through the thread. As well the acceptance of real science is overwhelmingly refreshing. Anyways here is what is going on. I did post this over on rollitup because I couldn't figure out where the new thread button is earlier in the day.

Indoor AutoFem Grow 3 plants
Light: 400w mh with 400w hps bulb for flower. 24" from top of plants.
Area: 3x3
Temp: 24 c
Hum: 40%
Soil: 11 ltr Peat, 11 ltr coir, 11 ltr mushroom compost, 5l perlite, 5l vermiculite, 1/2 cup worm castings, 1/2 cup Natura tomato and veg fert 5-7-7
Water: Well water aerated for a day ph'd to 6.5-6.8, given 1 liter when soil dry to first knuckle.

G13 Labs Pineapple Express Auto Fem, 3 weeks old today. My first suspect was that all of a sudden after 3 weeks the PE was getting a slight N burn, but now I'm unsure as to whether or not it's a slight deficiency and may be time to start feeding it. Let me know what you guys think. It's def in the infancy stage of a problem, but want to get a head of it. Cheers.

I did mix up 2 tbsp of the above stated fert with 1L of water and gave her 250ml of that mix. She should be ready for a drink tomorrow so if the symptom worsen I can give her a bit of a flush if need be.



Excited to get a few more grows under my belt and hopefully get in on one of those fun grows you guys do i.e. the solo cup grow. Absolutely loved reading through that thread.
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Hello and welcome.Plant looks great but it is telling you that your right on the border line of over feeding.Your soil mix should be good for another week or more so i would just give her plain ph water for awhile and make sure you water enough until entire pot is moist with some runoff.You should also start using cal/mag at every feeding to prevent any problems.Feel free to update us with your grow and also feel free to ask for help,good luck.
Thanks for the information, I guess my first instinct was right. Def made the soil to hot. I'm amazed at how much these auto's can do with so little, though on the flip side I have a Bubble Kush that's a few days older and has plowed through the original nutes in the soil so I guess genetics has a bit to do with it. Here is some more info on what is contained in the fert I'm using. I felt there was enough cal/mag in the mix but will buy some to supplement if need be.

Total Nitrogen (N) 5%
0.5% Water Soluble Nitrogen
4.5% Water Insoluble Nitrogen
Available Phosphoric Acid (P) 7%
Soluable Potash (K) 7%
Calcium 4%
Magnesium 1%
Sulfur 2.2%
Iron 4.0%
Organic Matter 30%

That's copied off the back of the bag, it also recommends 4 Tbsp per plant every 6 weeks though that's for veggies. Thanks for the help @namvet25, cheers!
Sounds good @Duggy, makes sense.
Heading up to my local Hydro store tomorrow or Monday. They carry the General Organics line up, just looking for some suggestions on their products or others for a soil grow. Was thinking about getting the CalMag and some sort of bloom nutrient. Other things that came to mind were liquid sea weed and mycorrizha though not sure if that is necessary due to the use of mushroom compost. Any input will be appreciated.
...not N tox' for sure, wrong symptoms,... So the tip yellowing started before you feed that stuff? Tip burn more or less all over is usually a sign of nute burn from feeds or hot soil,... but I see this mainly on newer leaves only? it's still early in showing, so difficult to call,...It could be a micronutrient defc. starting, probably Zn, fairly common,... either it's a simple lack-of (more likely) or a pH lockout issue (too high, less likely),... getting a measurement of your in-pot pH is key here, to confirm either way,.. the Accurate 8 Soil pH probe is a good choice,... With that custom soil blend, and little other inputs, it's hard to guess which at this stage... In any case, having the right supplements on hand is always wise,.. I like Earth Juice Microblast for micronutes,....
Hey Waira thanks for stopping in to give a hand. Life's been crazy and haven't been on much. How I wish I still had the vibrant green plant above lol. So turns out that fert I was using was absolute garbage for weed. Symptoms progressively got worse with brown spotting tips turning up and yellowing leaves all of various stages on all plants. I think they got the 5-7-7 numbers mixed up on that bag as it gave them all tip burn and they all started showing p k and cal mag def symptoms. I spent a good amount of time talking and troubleshooting with my local hydro store guy. We ended up determining it was a ph lockout issue mixed with some terrible a$$ ferts. Took a sample of my well water up, tested it at 116 ppm and a ph of 7.8. Turns out I was judging my ph strips and liquid a whole point off. So I ended up doing a ph adjusted flush in each plant about 6 gal of water. I picked up some General Organics bio bloom and Cal-Mag, gave them their first light dose last Tuesday and then a bit of a heavier dose on Saturday. So far showing good signs of recovery leafs (vibrant green from bottom up) buds are starting to put out some crystals but I def lost some yield on this one lol. The pineapple express above really took a hit, I can tell she needs some more feed and will prob give her another dose tonight or tomorrow as the soil should be dry enough. Still crazy how once perfectly healthy plants can turn on you so quick, guess as soon as those flowers show up they get real hungry. I'll get some pics up FridayorSaturday as Fri is week 6 for MedGom and Bubble Kush and today is week 5 for the Pineapple Express.
So as you can see they went from good to bad real quick, but I think I have it back under control, more or less just waiting for the soil to dry so I can water in some more Biobloom and Cal-mag from General Organics. Watered in at 1/4 strength, 1/2 strength and full strength so far, in hindsight I should have just gone right to full strength I was just being careful. New growth is nice and green and the yellowing seems to have stopped spreading. It is absolutely crazy how quickly a problem progresses with these plants.