NEWS WWWillie and his medical card or How I became legal in Massachusetts.


AFN Vibe Guardian
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Nov 6, 2013
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Currently Smoking
anything I can get my hands on!
It's been a while, but I can remember most of it pretty clearly. Almost 15 years ago I had to give up using cannabis. My ex decided that she either wanted to make me even more miserable of just keep my children away from me... Regardless in order to see my kids I had to pass drug tests. I stopped using, a fairly simple decision actually, but I digress.
In October of 2013 my wife and I decided that should look into perhaps growing something for myself. I was thrilled, Teh Wife, less so. At that time I was taking a lot of pain meds and sleeping pills and occasionally anxiety meds. I thought what the heck I should try for a medical card as it was legal for medical reasons.
I researched for canna friendly doctors to get my cert from as I was not willing to ask my PCP at that time. I found Canna Care Docs and they had offices in my city. I went and checked them out. They were kind but also straight forward about the process. I needed my medical and drug history in order to qualify. I was able to get a printout of my last three years of prescriptions and brought that to the appointment.
The appointment with the Dr went well. He was quite thorough and reviewed my script list closely. We discussed what I wanted to use canna for and I told him sleep, pain, and anxiety in that order. He agreed that it would help me in those areas and that my scripts for the last several years indicated that was what I needed the meds for. I passed!!
I apsi my $200.00 and was issued my certificate. I now had to register with the state. I need to check my notes and stuff to see just what I did so I'll be back with that info.