Old Reviews Would this work to spilt?


Be Here Now
Cultivators Club
Dec 15, 2018
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I keep my carbon filter outside my tent and pull air from inside. Next to my 2x4 I have a small 2x2. I want to run both tents to the same filter. Would this one here work? Jw if the sizing would fit over the 4 inch vivosun C.F I got now. Thanks. Figures just clamp em on?
Amazon product ASIN B004166RMO
I think it would work as long as the vent hose from both tents go to the Y junction and the fan is after the single and then into the filter. If the resistance is much greater from one tent it may suck the life out of the other. Air pressure balance could be far different with a large volume differential. You may need to find an adjustable butterfly valve to be able to control how much "suck" goes to each tent.

I think it would work as long as the vent hose from both tents go to the Y junction and the fan is after the single and then into the filter. If the resistance is much greater from one tent it may suck the life out of the other. Air pressure balance could be far different with a large volume differential. You may need to find an adjustable butterfly valve to be able to control how much "suck" goes to each tent.

thanks, thats alot of help in case that happens and it just might lol. may be a cheaper solution but could i just cover then end of one exhaust with duct tape? lets say it happened couldnt i duct tape a duct end lets say a 3rd off. and then only have 2/3rds open or whatever is needed. its a 4 inch fan and i keep it on low. itll prolly never go higher than low. my 2x2 runs an hlg 100. just gets too hot and humidity stays high even with fan going. i keep lower sides of both tents open a bit for fresh air entrance. i dont plan on sealing the tents off. wouldnt think the balance would be messed up unless closed off? but i really dont know. id like to get all peices needed up front.
Have never had blow thru system filter all the smells out as well as draw thru setup. Blow thru always seems to put off more noticeable odors. Not a ton of recent experience with carbon filters, it's an unneeded item where I am.

Other than that, if your fan can handle the CFM for both tents, it should work fine. As stated above, you may need some form of regulation so the tents are drawn from equally.

If you can grow with the tent door open, I wouldn't bother running it thru the filter, they do go bad, no reason to waste. If I have my tent door open, I just place a fan outside the tent blowing in, added with the 2 clip on fans that's plenty of movement.
Oh, the lowes damper requires punching holes to install, however! It looks like homedepot carries one for around $20 thats ready to go. I'd buy the HD one since I hate fiddling with duct work and trying to punch nice holes will probably be a huge pain and then leak a ton.

There's also 'dryer' exhaust connectors that will work well...for tent penetrations...clamps to tent wall and self closing ...