SupercalafragalisticexpialaDopeshit !
My girl is entering week 7 .. She was planted in 50% organic potting soil & 50% vermiculite . When I planted her the soil level (amount of medium in the pot) was up about 2.5 -3 inches more than where it sits now ...I will attach a picture ... The soil was up to the point where the pot just starts to flare outward but now it sunk this normal & ok ? (I know she's got a few deficiencies that I'm working on at the present moment by using the advice from a thread I posted a few days back so no need for anyone to point them out in this thread ! Ty ! Lol ) Also I have a question about my lighting .... Does my placement look ok and is there enough or too much ? All opinions and advice are greatfully welcomed and appreciated ! Tyvm in advance ! There is 3 x 150 w equivalents up top and 7 x 100 watt equivalents all around (see attached pic ) two of the 100 watts are 6500k and the rest are 2700k . Should I swap out the 2 6500 k's for 2 2700 k's ?? Ty again ! One Love ! :smoke::smoke::smoke: