OLD REVIEWS (WOS) Wild Thai Ryder-Organic


Badge Hunter
Feb 16, 2013
Reaction score
SeedBank : Herbies Mix N' Match

Strain: World Of Seeds -Wild Thai Ryder

Did it autoflower?: Y day** 18, pre-flower phase

**Days: Days are counted at when they broke top soil)

5gal in Dirt Fabric pots 13wx12t
Roots Organic: Original Potting soil
-Had slight issues with my soil, and needed to add (Epsoma) Dol. Lime at week 3 or 4ish

(see GJ)

Nutes: Roots Organic (non-gmo) Line
-Trinity ( Molasses and carbs)
-Ancient Amber (Fulvic acid)
-Extreme screne (Kelp and bact.)
Buddha Grow ( Bat Guano)
-Buddha Bloom ( Bat Guano)
-OrganismXL (mycros)
-Uprising grow (dry)
-Uprising Foundation (calmag and gen nutes)
-Elemental (Dry cal-mag)
-Hp2 (0-4-0)
-Hpk- (0-5-4)

Light (kind and schedule):
GGT 2x4x7+

2 MS004s, 260ish watt draw total (share w/ 2 others)

From seed to harvest date: 70 days

Dry Yield: Just under 2 oz
Got a nice ball of scissor hairy scissor hash(here is half)20140921_074058[1].jpg
and with the purpling she yielded some Purple QWISO in shatter form.

High/Effect Duration:

OH MAN, A medical strain for sure!

But BOOOOOOM!!!This strain is a 100% chuck norris kick to the brain! Like wow, overwelming slighty at first, for sure no complex task should be attempted to save a long embarrassing moment :face::face:


RATE SCALE: * bad to ***** good



Very uniformed and fast at all phases of the grow.

Well thai strains photo description said it was geared towards euphoric, heady, almost arousing high. So I harvested her a bit early with a 14day flush so it would be more inline with the strains natural effects. The buds were a bit airy so I would say a week or two longer( but these were perfect for paperbag cure/dry) so I would for sure do LST to get the most out it. But growth was a train, fast, easy, no fusses throughout the grow, and she will give great hues of redish purple if is the 60s band at night and beer bottle size colas with ease.

THE SMELL: *****
Once broken up you get a strong burst, exactly like you just ripped in a ripe sweet tangerine followed by heavy back notes of musk.An little twang to it.

Off a Firefly Vaporizer

Smooth but the long flush might have something to do with that:tiphat:. Heavy hi-grade old skool hydro dank. Majority sweet ripe Tangerine the fruit part, with a heavy skunk jungle fruit background with renominates of moist tropics or like island bud(for those of you who have bought weed abroad). An little twang/tang to it.

-1* : Could be a bit smoother

THE HIGH: ****.5

The best way to sum up this strain in 6sec vid from Trailer Park Boys: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPEB8geD8as

First effects felt, were smooth and fast and visual distortions, then a slight flush feeling while being a DAMN I AM HIGH! A very front of the brain mind numbing medical train IMHO, toward people that have anxiety or have difficulties sleeping do to mind racing.Also for stress related ulcers . All though there is no indica body lock or anything, you may find the yourself rather mentally exhausted and relax somewhere and try not to think :Mag foot soak:.But there is CBD in this strain.

Summary this strain really does know how to take your mind off of whatever was troubling you. She is a strong smooth flavorful mental smoke, that reaks of musky succulent mandarin oranges ( the actual fruit not rine) unique to tropical humid genetics like orange kush. Imagine a sketchy dude trying to sell you a bag full of oranges in aug. in cali. and get that woof!

The effects do calm down from your intital effect and into a more pleasing mind numbing, hmmmmmmmmm......... yeaaahhhhhhh and staying quite nice for approx 4-5 hours , a nice long relaxing mind easing ride.

Now dispite my terms I used,
the effects didnt leave me in a panic, or paraniod, or heart racing. It was strong but not freaking or face melting high or anything bad worth noting.

If you enjoyed the review and wanna show some love, my girls are still going. So stay tuned and rate the thread, comment, like or if you loved it throw some rep!

An thats a Strain/Smoke Report by,

-The SpacePope
:wiz: :grat:
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Wow! Great report! Now that sounds like something I would like to grow. How tall did she get?
Righteous report, SpacePope! Those last bud pics are giving me Bud Lust! lolol
Nice report,thanks, and thanks for doing a journal. My WTR is at 14 Days and lookin' good so far.
Wow! Great report! Now that sounds like something I would like to grow. How tall did she get?

She only got to about 16 or so inches do to my part, issue with PH early on (bad soil)and non aggressive feedings (live and learn). But I am happy with the yield and :smoke: though:thumbs:, although a more capable grower could get over 3oz if in tune very early, over 4 if in hydro IMHO under 70 days.
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I have this the paki Ryder and some genofarm Thunder haze.Thai ,Hindu Kush(which is what the paki Ryder really is just the auto form of Hindu Kush)Haze & Skunk (old school skunk no.1 & Cheese ) are my all time favorites bring back beautiful memories