So I watered again this morning, the same as yesterday 2 liters of nute mixed water went in the top, and 1 liter strait out the tap went into the tray. The plants where proper thirsty and droopy at 6 am this morning ( work head still on) so that is when they got watered.
So some photos,
The tray was like this yesterday after watering, the fabric pot was sat in a good inch of water yet was totally dry this morning at 6am
Today 7 hours after watering 6.5 suk it up girls. So as I've nothing to really do, I will continue to check the ph of the tray water today/night
6.5 after few mins
Now i have never used a fabric pot before, but already the root structure has amazed me the amount of roots at the top of the pot, i have never seen this with a plastic pot. I normally found them about an inch below the soil.
You may notice a thin layer of vermiculite on each pot, this was put there to try and stop the soil drying out as i was only watering a small amount of water in the center of the pot and under a hot hps light the soil was getting really dry and as there were 10 25kg bags laying around on-site I decided to help myself to a carrier bag full.
I think this is something I am going to continue to do in future grows.
A little scrap back can reveal so much
And on to today, theses roots where not there yesterday evening before bed. In fact i have not seen any roots poke out the side till now, but look at them nice fat white roots

Giving some idea to how well the roots have grown.
Byebye plastic pots
Reaching for the sky.. I will try and replicate the photo below tomorrow morning to show how badly theses plants droop overnight. I cannot understand why though.