If stretch is a problem (and only if) keeping temps at a constant will help reduce stretch height.
So if you dark period is 10C cooler that you light period it will stretch more than a 5C difference.
Using a tube heater with a thermostatic socket/switch to keep dark period temps the same as lights on temps will give you the least stretch.
Another method especially useful is to use the "stunting method".
Grow your plants in a smallish pot I used a 1 liter pot grow your auto until the preflowers show, then transplant in to larger final pot I am currently using 8.5 liter auto pots. see my on going grow here -
This is a method I got from the Joint Doctor on growing his "Ogre" here is his advice he uses larger pots but the method is the same.
Indoor in soil plants require 1 gallon pots to start, sex will show between day 17-21, transplant to 3-5 gallons until harvest. Outdoor start plants outside in a greenhouse or similar in 2 gallon pots, after sexing transplant into 5+gallon pots or directly into prepared soil beds, harvest at 65-70 days.