Wilting Hempy Buckets

Sep 6, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Satidom auto + Vapor Genie
Hi there,

My girl is giving me a hard time :S .. can't seem to get her on a happy schedule!

76F (24.5C) 40% RH. Head formula (gh 6/9) + Calmag, Day 55, GLR, 200 watt cobs, coco - perlite , 5 gal hempy, cs breeded autoflower strain.

My strain under 24/0 needed almost 140 days to finish. So i decided to try glr schedule. Everything was perfect (literally, never saw a plant so fast growing). I think at the end of week 7 i had some clogging issues with drainage. Then she started to wilt. She just doesnt drink from pseudo tank from bottom, instead i need to water her almost 3 times daily in order to keep her up. I grew monster trees in that bucket, so there is nothing wrong with the bucket, but this time i fail badly. I dont have any issues with ph, ec, leaves etc. Only wilting. I assume, i needed smaller containers for glr, but its too late for that solution. I built a gravity drip feeder, but i couldnt get it work (pressure issues).

Is it ok now to switch the schedule to 16/8, or 18/6? Can she estabilish better roots when there is more light? Or shall i try to give her some h2o2? I am really getting out of options.

I’ll add pics later, when light is up. Thank you for your help,

...sounds root related mate, did they take a hard hit and have some die-off when they suffocated in the undrained solution? (O2 dep')....