Whys my auto not flowering yet (mephisto cdlc)

Aug 13, 2018
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Currently Smoking
Think different
Hi there guys and gals I am rather new to this hobby with this only being my 3rd grow so decided to get some mephisto seeds with it all going smooth at first as a put 3 in with one photoperiod with the plan to flip her once they where done so two started flowering about 4 weeks in and one showed signs of pre flower I just thought it was the pheno causing it to run behind and be much bigger wasn't complaining but they where planted round about march so for an auto to go this long am so confused it still shows signs if Pre flower but just not budding and is still growing quite happy but it's coming to a point the photo plant is just getting to big so will need to flip but don't want to lose valuable light to the auto
I had a couple that ran really long 110 days Plus finally put them in at 12:12 to get them to start flowering the next time I just got the feed off for a week and fed water and that seemed to work
March that would make the auto 5 months old ? A bit of stress/wacky pheno that thinks its a pgotoperiod :shrug:
When lights are on a will get photos but when the other 2 started to flower I fed that the same nutes so it was getting flower nutes until they got cut down and I just decided to through it back on veg nutes and its just praising the light I ended up having to transplant it from 8litre pots to 22litre pots and the space I have is really for a few small plants not the two that's in there the now so had to buy another light fan ect but it has got Pre flowers but still no bud
Just with the size of it I just had a feeling it would need more route room
one plant photo period after my hand
Wow she sure looks like she's inveg going to be tight in there
Was it rootbound when you pulled it out of the littler container just interested on my first two grows I had problems with stunting my autos and you know I was getting 2 ounces with a root rot about the size of an orange this is my third grow and I actually have roots that have build a 5 gallon bucket of Coco coir and grew out the bottom and if the route represents 1/3 or less of the size above I'm waiting to see if I get monsters