Why don't I just grow my autoflowers with just rabbit poop?

Jan 11, 2020
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On royalqueenseeds I found this article that states that rabbit shit is excellent for feeding the soil to feed the plants with all the basic npk in it and most of the micronutrients in them

"Rabbit manure does not need to undergo hot composting and can be added directly to the topsoil to provide nutrients to cannabis plants. Rabbit manure is absolutely loaded with nutrients and contains large quantities of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, along with calcium, magnesium, and zinc."

Going by this, why don't I just take basic soil (compost, perlite, coco coir/peat moss) and then just top dress with rabbit shit without having to add any dry amendments like bone meal or kelp meal or bone meal?

On royalqueenseeds I found this article that states that rabbit shit is excellent for feeding the soil to feed the plants with all the basic npk in it and most of the micronutrients in them

"Rabbit manure does not need to undergo hot composting and can be added directly to the topsoil to provide nutrients to cannabis plants. Rabbit manure is absolutely loaded with nutrients and contains large quantities of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, along with calcium, magnesium, and zinc."

Going by this, why don't I just take basic soil (compost, perlite, coco coir/peat moss) and then just top dress with rabbit shit without having to add any dry amendments like bone meal or kelp meal or bone meal?

Please post if you do. :biggrin:
I have heard of training rabbits to poop in a worm bin, but never heard of anyone adding it directly as top-dress. My cat enjoys murderizing rabbits, so not an option for me.
You probably can. What's the average NPK of rabbit poop? I would suggest mixing it in rather than topdressing and then letting it sit for a bit to break down if possible. This would give the microbes time to begin nutrient cycling. Depending on NPK and the ratio you use, you could then supplement the nutrients. The plant doesn't care if your nitrate for example came from a rabbit or a horse or an earthworm or even calcium nitrate. It's really all about balance and availability.
Grind it up. I probably have a 100 lbs we use as a base for ferts we make for several types of fruit trees & shrubs.
Used a lot on my 1st/current Cannabis grow.
Bunny poop isn't going to have everything the plants need all on it's own. Just like you wouldn't be healthy if you ate just one type of food all the time.

Rabbit Manure: 2.4/1.4/0.6 so pretty decent but later in flowering something higher in K, P and lower in N would be good to supplement with.

No idea what micronutrients might be in it but not all I'm sure.

Bunny poop isn't going to have everything the plants need all on it's own. Just like you wouldn't be healthy if you ate just one type of food all the time.

Rabbit Manure: 2.4/1.4/0.6 so pretty decent but later in flowering something higher in K, P and lower in N would be good to supplement with.

No idea what micronutrients might be in it but not all I'm sure.

That’s why I said “ used as a base.”
We tweak it for different plants & different projects.
When dealing with hundreds of acres, catalog shopping for nutes ain’t an option. ROI is #1.

Edit: Often, less is more. Salts are low which is critical in the desert.
On royalqueenseeds I found this article that states that rabbit shit is excellent for feeding the soil to feed the plants with all the basic npk in it and most of the micronutrients in them

"Rabbit manure does not need to undergo hot composting and can be added directly to the topsoil to provide nutrients to cannabis plants. Rabbit manure is absolutely loaded with nutrients and contains large quantities of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, along with calcium, magnesium, and zinc."

Going by this, why don't I just take basic soil (compost, perlite, coco coir/peat moss) and then just top dress with rabbit shit without having to add any dry amendments like bone meal or kelp meal or bone meal?

Is your nose going to be near your grow? Uncomposted rabbit manure will stink. But as part of an organic compost it is awsome.
Is your nose going to be near your grow? Uncomposted rabbit manure will stink. But as part of an organic compost it is awsome.
Years ago I had my wife help me mix up a few hundred gallons of fish hydrolysate. The fly load ran her off after 15 minutes.
It pretty much all stinks.