Why are my seedlings keep dying on me?

Dec 23, 2011
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Hi, i am having a problem with germination, or actually my young seedlings. All of them are dead, and i had to check with you guys.

I am growing them in coco, can that be the problem? I always adjust the pH with lemon before i water them. But it can maybe be something else?

As you can see the first leaf is turning yellow. Just like the others. Only that they withered and died afterwards. I think it is a ph problem.

What do you think?

Hello there, i have grown in coco a couple of times and from my experience, coco does not contain any nutrients at all and from day 1 i have always fed them a diluted solution of feed, i did this every other watering. as coco has nothing in the medium nutrients wise you kind of have to provide that little something for your seedlings :) also how is your humidity that could be too low :) hope this helps and hope others agree, it worked for me .. i cant see why it would not for you :) thanks
They don't look dead to me.
You might try a little foliar feeding. Had a similar problem and that fixed it. Hope that helps.
Are you washing and buffering you coco before you use it? What brand of Coco are you using? the really chepo ones need to be washed well to remove salt. I agree with Milk they may just need some food.