NEWS Who's All Going to The CannaGrow Expo


I put metal in the microwave
Cultivators Club
Jan 19, 2016
Reaction score
So this is where everyone who's going to the CannaGrow Expo can post that they are attending. Hopefully during the expo, we can all gather together and have a virtual toke together. Please post what dates you are going to attend and if you know what time, please also do so that way we can all meet! Updates will be posted as the event draws near. I'm not a mod or associated in any way, I just want to have a virtual "crew" walking around the expo toking with eachother
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The List
@MissUniverse - Entire Event (All Days)
@Mikis - ???
@Son of Hobbes - ???
@Free Flow - ???
I've already registered and plan to attend. Not sure the date or times as they said they would email before the event. I should mark it on my calendar tho, curious as to who else is attending doing and when, maybe we can carpool lol
I've already registered and plan to attend. Not sure the date or times as they said they would email before the event. I should mark it on my calendar tho, curious as to who else is attending doing and when, maybe we can carpool lol
its already got most of my time each day set aside. there will be a 4 hour period each day i wont be available but thats appointments with doctors
I hope to get the email too. It will be fun~ If for some reason they don't let participants interact we can always all get on IRC via freenode webchat and get our timing right
Im very curious as well as to who else is attending, doing what and when.
I drive a Prius, it's eco friendly, and smoking allowed when the windows roll down