Dinafem White Cheese Auto Smoke Report


Herbalist & Cannasseur
Jun 23, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Sour Crinkle

White Cheese Auto

Did it autoflower?:

In a Green Man system, posh water farm with 11 litres of clay pebbles and a 15 litre reservoir which was completely filled with roots at the end. No air pump, floomed the reservoir instead with a tiny water pump, worked really well.

RO water with Canna Calmag Agent and Megacrop. Occasional bit of Sweet Candy when I could be bothered (which wasn’t often…). res was only topped up, never changed.

Light (kind and schedule):
250w cobs dialled down to about 100W, lights on 20/4

From seed to harvest date:
Not really sure but I think around day 76

Dry Yield:

I’m not after yield so I ripped several large branches off her during growth (she was becoming a monster) and pulled off lots of lower buds too. Still gave me several litre mason jars.

High/Effect Duration:

About 2.5 hours. I LOVE this strain, it hits almost immediately, vaped in a Cloud Evo, and makes my whole body warm and my legs and muscles so relaxed it’s not true. Lovely, happy couch-lock feeling to this one. Definitely not for during the day unless you need a nap!

RATE SCALE: (*) = bad, to (*****) = great

I only did a rough trim, left on loads of sugar leaves because, well, they were covered with sugar. I only grow for myself so bag appeal isn’t what I look for.

Grew itself, great big fan leaves and nice open structure before hitting the stretch. Also didn’t take too long, I’m always annoyed when autos go 90-100 days because I’m impatient to try each new strain. Lots of trichomes, lots and lots and lots.

Initially quite a fruity smell, but on curing it’s got more earthy tone to it. Can’t detect any hint of cheese. Not particularly strong, but the effect is so good I don’t mind at all.

THE SMOKE: *****
Vaped in Cloud Evo at around 12 on the dial (so 176C), smooth hits.

THE HIGH: *****
As I said, really great relaxing strain. By far and away the most body-orientated strain I’ve grown, just love the melting warmth which creeps over you and the relaxed chilled out mental effects. Pretty special all in all.

Random bud pics.




A few growth pics here
I was happy to read this review as I just ordered some of these seeds. You seem very happy with it...was it a really stinky plant?
Yea they are stinky growing. I was just about to make my own smoke report for this, but I'll just tag onto this one and keep it short.

High/Effect Duration: Makes wife Frisky

I think no more needs to be said really.
Quick update on a slightly longer cure - the bud now reeks of sweet ripe pineapple! Still loving this strain, hugely relaxing for the body and it seems to promote really restfull sleep:sleeping:, I wake up full of energy after a decent portion of cheese before bed.
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Quick update on a slightly longer cure - the bud now reeks of sweet ripe pineapple! Still loving this strain, hugely relaxing for the body and it seems to promote really restfull sleep:sleeping:, I wake up full of energy after a decent portion of cheese before bed.

A good cure will most definitely change those terpines and flavours :pass:

Thank you for doing such a nice detailed smoke report and by the sound of things you are really loving this strain and we are really happy to hear that :thumbsup:

Thanks for the very detailed write up and enjoy that end product mate :bong:

All the best
