Where’s my buds at?!

Dec 22, 2016
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Hi guys

Have an issue with one of my plants. For some reason it’s not flowering properly, it’s healthy, strong and growing but just keeps shooting this whispy leaves instead of forming flowers

I grow NFT, 5 different plants in tray (always do this, all others lovely), ph 5.9, EC 2.0, they are about 6 weeks in. 22 degrees and 62% humidity. Nute Mix is canna flower a/b, Czym, Rizo, boost, budlink.. same mix I’ve done for years

I can’t figure out if this is just a much slower yield than the others, I’m missing something or I am doing something wrong?

4 pics of the issue plant and 2 of the Plant next to it pictured for comparison


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A few people have had similar issues recently. Since you have other plants on the go, you could take her out of the tent and put in the dark for twelve hours and then back in the tent and repeat for a few days see if that stimulates her.

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A few people have had similar issues recently. Since you have other plants on the go, you could take her out of the tent and put in the dark for twelve hours and then back in the tent and repeat for a few days see if that stimulates her.

Sent from my comfy chair.
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Only way would be to cut her, she’s in a an NFT tray :(

There is a light over that one however so could try turning it out? Will still be light from another bulb in the tent tho
Could try that, shame to give up after all this time.

Only way would be to cut her, she’s in a an NFT tray :(

There is a light over that one however so could try turning it out? Will still be light from another bulb in the tent tho

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...might be a strain thing, what is she? The potential problem with mixing strains in such hydro system is that not all are going to develop the same way- speed, ripening timing, nute needs, etc.,... That, or this one isn't fully autoflowering,...
...might be a strain thing, what is she? The potential problem with mixing strains in such hydro system is that not all are going to develop the same way- speed, ripening timing, nute needs, etc.,... That, or this one isn't fully autoflowering,...

She's a royal seed, cant remember the strain, it's on a tiny stick under the foliage! I know it's generally frowned upon to have different strains in the same tray but I've been doing it this way for years and never had this kind of issue - i tend to stick to similar strains which helps (all berry strains for example)

I hadn't considered that this is just a non auto seed in the pack.. that could well be it, cheers. I'm going to put them in dark for 24 hours and then try a few days of 12/12 to see if it makes them bloom. Fingers crossed!
:goodluck:... "misfires" happen on occasion,.. breeder generated, mix-up in packing, damn bad luck,... 12/12 is about the only thing you can do,....