Indoor when to transplant

  • Thread starter VanishingToaster
  • Start date


i've got 4 Mi5's standing about3 inches tall with about a dozen leaves on show, i've noticed 4 pistil like things curling out, they're only about 3 weeks old and are only just starting to really grow. i can't get a clear enough picture on my phone, but i'm fairly sure they're showing sex.

seen a post with somebody saying when they show signs of sex its time to transplant them into their final pots, they started in peat pots and have been in 6" pots for about 2 weeks. given that they are so young and small it doesn't seem logical to have to transplant them, but, for all i know it might be the safest and least traumatic time now.

when is best to transplant them into final pots?

i'm using a 300w CFL what sort of sized pots should i go for? i want to grow them as big as i can for what my light can handle
I don't know how much room you have but if you've already moved them into 6" pots that's probably where they should stay through the rest of the grow. You can get a decent yield from 6" pots.

Ideally, you want to start an auto in the same pot it's going to finish in. Normal stresses have an higher impact on auto's than they do photo's so, if we can avoid transplant shock altogether, it's a good thing.

The size pot you choose depends a lot on the amount of room you have and how much yield you want from individual plants. I use 2+ gal. grow bags. I've seen a lot of 5 gal containers used. Full Duplex uses a tiered method that starts in a 16 oz. beer cup. Look around the grow logs and ask questions. You'll get a warm reception.

You've come to the right place for help to get you through your auto grow. There are a number of folk here (not me) who have been growing auto's since they first came out. Some of the world's top auto breeders hang out here. So, you're not in this alone.

Welcome to AFN! :peace:
i allways wait till 4th set of leaves dunno what others do :peace:
If you have ever seen Asi's grows, you might be inclined to do things the way he does. So... what Asi said. :peace:
ummmm you need a bigger pot than 6 inch for a MI-5. That is not a midget plant pheno. Typically they show sex around day 14 so you might want to get a magnifying glass if its hard to see. If you havent seen any little balls telling you its a male by day 21 then most likely its female.
thanks, we talking a 5 litre or ten litre for the Mi5? i've not found many people who have even heard of Mi5 so if u have any tips for this particular strain i'd really appreciate the help. this may be a tad moronic but by 4 set of leaves, do u mean 4 pairs asi ? excuse my stupidity, 1st timer an all
i probably should of asked someone this sooner, but how long before Mi5 kicks into flowering? i know i can put it into a 12/12 and force it but i'd rather not. is it a strong auto reflex? not gonna end up with a tree while i'm waiting am i ?? lol
I've done 4 or 5 Mi5 grows and find they do quite well in 3 gallon pots. I start mine in 4.5" square by 5" deep pots, which I find big enough for the first 3-4 weeks, until they sex. I then transplant the girls into the 3 gallon ones. If done correctly the risk of transplant shock is low. I've found Mi5 to be very nute tolerant and have had a couple show a P deficiency in late flowering. So I keep some PK13.14 on hand just in case. In the 3 gallon pots I've gotten yields of up to 65 grams grown indoors under a 180 watt LED.
yeah bro 3rd or 4th set

got any pics use the thumbnail insertpic to add pic^

theres some pics of some of my favourites

1 Mi5
2 afghan ryder
3 moby dick
4 new york 47
5 Mi5
6 jack herer - 10 days into flowering, a kindly donated cutting


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