Indoor When to switch to bloom nutes, what suppelemys to choose and when to change CFL lamp...?

Dr. Babnik

Virtus ex Alto
Apr 2, 2016
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Currently Smoking
Six Shooter, Black Stone, Stone Dragon, Moroccan and home made hash
The fist pistils appeard on Super Skunk #1 a few days ago.

Can you guys teach me and show me some pics of how the flowers should look like when it is time to change from veg to flower nutes?

At what stage should I go to 2700K cfl light? Current cfl lamp is 5000K for veg.

As this is my first time, I know nothing.

An observation: I try to under stand the different boosters work. It seems to me, they all are different solutions of phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, i.e. P/K sol'n.

What are your recommedations and experiences with the different chemicals?

I use Hesi. My plan is to use the Hesi Bloom boster and either supplement with Advanced Nutrients Overdrive or just purchase Canna Mono Mag and use that as final booster.

Please, teach me.
While I am unfamiliar with your planned nutes, most people change over nutes and lighting at the same time, i.e., when vertical growth stops. Cal-mag should be started before this ... I usually start with a reduced dose around day 26, although this probably varies a bit by nute line. I started with Fox Farms two years ago because a lot of growers use or had used it. I'm sure there is better but its pretty simple but not organic. As for boosters, I use Fox Farms Cha-Ching in late bloom as do many growers even if they do not use any other FF product.
Hope this helps-
Tnx a lot!

How do you administer the calmag?
I expect Advanced Nutrients Sensi Calmag Xtra to come in the mail tomorrow. I the instructions for use, it says "Use 2 mL per Liter. Repeat after 1 week, if necessary."

How do I now "if necessary"? Do you feed them CaMg regularly or when needed? How is need observed?

I also ordered Big Bud and Overdrive from Advanced Nutrients. I hope it i useful an not just snake oil, coz it was expensive chemicals.
I tried to feed when needed.. basically autoflowers need it. Some more then others.

Tells for calcium are the yellowing of older leaves.
Magnesium i think the red stems. But tjen there is strains that show different colours all together.

Just follow the schedule you got on half dosages and post pictures weekly. People will advise you.

I find one bottle of aptus calmag will last me a lifetime