New Grower When to Stop Nutes

Apr 14, 2015
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I have another post floating around, but not sure how many people are still watching it. Anyway, this is my Black Sugar Rose. She is 7 weeks and 4 days today. Supposed to be 8-10 weeks. Yeah, not happening at 8, but was wondering if 10-11 weeks is possible. And if so, should I stop feeding her now? Can you tell by looking at her whether or not she is ready to stop feeding? I flushed her yesterday due to some problems with yellow leaves, but still not sure if they were yellowing because of a problem or it's just that time. So right now, she has no nutes. Anyway, here are some pics and any help would be welcome.

All you can do is go by how she is looking. You are at least 2 weeks away from needing to think about cutting off the nutes. Just keep a watch on her and once we start seeing pistols change color then we can start watching trichrome colors. Again I think she has a long ways to go still.
All you can do is go by how she is looking. You are at least 2 weeks away from needing to think about cutting off the nutes. Just keep a watch on her and once we start seeing pistols change color then we can start watching trichrome colors. Again I think she has a long ways to go still.

Ok. Thanks!!
One thing to understand and not worry about is the times spelled out by the breeders. Those times are under near perfect conditions being grown by experts.
One thing to understand and not worry about is the times spelled out by the breeders. Those times are under near perfect conditions being grown by experts.
The times are estimates, Even the best grower in the most perfect conditions are gonna go over if they want to get max yield out of there girl......Your at 8 weeks? did you have some trouble in the begining? as she looks to me from now, she needs at the least another 4 weeks of flower, there is no yellow on her at all? that's usually the first sign there wanting to finish.....Has vertical growth all but slowed to a stop now?
The times are estimates, Even the best grower in the most perfect conditions are gonna go over if they want to get max yield out of there girl......Your at 8 weeks? did you have some trouble in the begining? as she looks to me from now, she needs at the least another 4 weeks of flower, there is no yellow on her at all? that's usually the first sign there wanting to finish.....Has vertical growth all but slowed to a stop now?

I knew for sure there was no way 8 weeks was gonna do it, that's why I was wondering if 10-11 sounds more like it. Four weeks is cool. And yes, this is my first grow and made a lot of mistakes. She actually had a lot of yellow. Some fell off and some got greener after the flush. This is only 1 of 3 autos and 3 photos. So I will keep her on nutes for another 2 weeks and then start checking her. As far as vertical growth, I am not sure. The middle seems to be taller everyday. Thank you!!
She looks great Bro, But I would wait at least 4 more weeks to cut her, when the leaves start to yellow you still will have plenty of time to flush. peace Bro:thumbsup: