What's wrong please?

Apr 20, 2019
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Hi guys!
Basically I have these 2 girls in a tent with 2 others. But these two both seem to be canoeing slightly and clawing? What could be causing this please?
I'm in soil (biobizz light mix with some additional perlite)
Temp ranges between 18c and 27c
Currently 18 days old
Watering once per day ~150ml
No nutes or anything yet.
Rh is around 45-50% mostly but can drop lower occasionally.


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Is your entire pot moist?
Looks alright to me mebbies try watering every other day instead of everyday and see how she goes also try and raise you rh up to 60-75?
Looks alright to me mebbies try watering every other day instead of everyday and see how she goes also try and raise you rh up to 60-75?
Any way to raise the Rh without spending money or taking up tent space please?
Any way to raise the Rh without spending money or taking up tent space please?
Saucer/bowl of warm water in front of a fan. Some people hang wet white towels, even simply misting the aire couple times day helps.... I'm sure someone with more experience with comment with some sound advice.... they even may say your RH is fine as people have grown in worse conditions.. I'm currently trying to keep mine between 55-65 but it averaging between 60-75
they look fine for that age also I grow all year round at around 40 to 50 RH and I have this for emergency s


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Saucer/bowl of warm water in front of a fan. Some people hang wet white towels, even simply misting the aire couple times day helps.... I'm sure someone with more experience with comment with some sound advice.... they even may say your RH is fine as people have grown in worse conditions.. I'm currently trying to keep mine between 55-65 but it averaging between 60-75
Thank you, I shall give them a try, will probably go with the towels as that sounds easiest for my set up.

they look fine for that age also I grow all year round at around 40 to 50 RH and I have this for emergency s
Cheers for the input unfortunately I can't fit a humidifier in the tent lol.


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Thank you, I shall give them a try, will probably go with the towels as that sounds easiest for my set up.

Cheers for the input unfortunately I can't fit a humidifier in the tent lol.
yes mate I understand that I've got a 4x4 tent and you will be fine as I said mine is normally 50 RH most of the time and do ok