Harvest & Curing What's wrong here?

If they are crumbling going into the jar... Waaaayyyy too dry, lost the moisture needed to cure and lost terpenes.

Do you guys usually wait until the stem snaps, then put them in the jars now?

No. Using the circular dry racks from amazon, etc is how I dry em, allows for several plants worth quickly and evemly... Trim up the individual buds, no stems longer than half-inch, and place them all on the baskets. In 3-5 days, I take the inch stem and give it a squeeze, I don't want it to snap, that's too long and too dried out. If it allows for a bend and feels like it semi snapped, it has the perfect amount of moisture still in it to jar up. The outside of the bud may be crispy, that's fine.
This saves all the terpenes, tastes and smells.
Jar for 7-14days (if they survive that long heh) burping twice a day for 10mins each.
Twice an hour is excessive if they have no moisture to begin with being crumbly.
You do know that's what curing is... The inner moisture from the bud gets dispersed out ever so slowly, while any existing chlorophyll dissipates into the air... making for a yummy, stinky, dank flower.
- Verano
If you go too dry you've usually screwed the pooch. All the information everyone is asking for in this thread is in the sticky right at the top of the harvesting/curing section. Here's a link to the method I like in that thread.
As a last note, people don't usually guess the humidity in their jars, they read it with a RH meter. Guessing is something I'd avoid until you get a good idea as to what it's like at 65% RH.

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Bad genetics dude , sorry. I find mine to be at it's most stuning after the stem snapps. If it has no strenth then, you are screwed my freind.
:pyou can always put a little piece of apple in the jar if it gets to dry......................
If I want to impress someone with strong smoke, I dry it bone dry first. In the bowl, it sparkels a little under the fire. I store it around 40% moisture, then set out to dry whatever I am going to smoke soon. Less taste but stronger effect.
:pyou can always put a little piece of apple in the jar if it gets to dry......................

Maybe, but once you've gone past too dry you aren't going to get a cure out of it. I don't like putting pieces of fruit in my weed as I feel the sugar and moisture might kick start any mold spores that are present (and they're always present)

Before I grew I used to stick a piece of orange peel in my baggie if it got too dry. Now I just reach for the perfectly RHed quart jar:smoke:
AND... don't forget (at least on some areas of the planet) we're in autumn / winter and humidity %'s have tanked out. Dropped right to the bottom. And the amount of humidity IN THE AIR surrounding your "drying" stage is almost every bit as important as the humidity in your curing / storing jars. Don't know if that one factor would affect the "quality" of the smoke, but the flavor, the twist & the burn definately. Puff, puff, pass
If you go too dry you've usually screwed the pooch. All the information everyone is asking for in this thread is in the sticky right at the top of the harvesting/curing section. Here's a link to the method I like in that thread.
As a last note, people don't usually guess the humidity in their jars, they read it with a RH meter. Guessing is something I'd avoid until you get a good idea as to what it's like at 65% RH.
