New Grower What's the oldest bud in your jars? -pictures

Feb 9, 2016
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Currently Smoking
So I have just ground down the last nugs of my six month cured UK blues, a photoperiod grow from a mate of mine and it got me thinking. What is the oldest bud in your jars? How is it? At what age did it it stop improving? Did it start deteriorating?

Here's my pics to kick it off.

This stuff is still killer, citrus, pine and black pepper. Reckon it is still as strong as three months ago but prob hasn't improved since.
I have had 6-7 year old stuff until recently. still worth consuming. sorry no jar pictures.
I should add, anything I have a surplus of, I vacuum seal in jars and it gets buried; that's why some gets to last so long.
Yes, I've heard of vacuum sealed and frozen weed lasting many years. Its all in how its stored. I'd say short term, up to 6 months, in jars in a cool cupboard is fine and they age nicely. Longer than that, freeze them!

I have had 6-7 year old stuff until recently. still worth consuming. sorry no jar pictures.
I should add, anything I have a surplus of, I vacuum seal in jars and it gets buried; that's why some gets to last so long.
No my 6 month has gone my next oldest is some 3 month old advanced seeds auto blue diesel I grew. It is AMAZING. Smells and tastes great and has got super strong.
well I still have jars from 8/15, 7/15 and 5/15.
my 5/15 is now around 50 %,but that's because I'm in it a lot.
my 7 and 8/15 are still in the mid 60's. actually thought about airing them out a little.
I do pop all my jars at least one a month, give a little shake and seal back up.
I've never used anything to keep my humidity up or stable. If storing longer than that then go with humidity packs.
Now that's just me and how its works for me.
Now I also vacumn seal my buds when they are in theyre high 60's, still very fresh. but I know they will be around awhile.
I have never had a mold problem and I simply store in a bedroom closet in the dark.
Sometimes when I take out a bud or two, I let it air out for an hour or so and that's with the 8/15 erb.
I use a hand vacumn pump called the pump and seal and it works great, I love it. And the mason lids are always resealable.
And I think it works better on jars than any thing for sale at stores, And it only costs 20.00 if I remermber right.
been using it for years now.
edit: I always froze my erb,at least 30 years but the last 3 or 4 years, I freeze nothing.
It works very well for me up here.
And still tastes great, smells great when breaking it up too.
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i was watchimg a video a few weeks ago of a 2700 years old and it was still good for consumption. 780grams. in china

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The unfortunate thing about the THC molecule is that it degrades very rapidly so no weed that is 6 months old is not as potent as weed that is fresh. Now they say weed degrades at 5-8% that is bogus as fuck but it does degrade over time with exposure to different variables