Whats causing this

Feb 7, 2023
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Hi all. Another week has passed and I'm just wondering wats causing this with my plant.

I'm feeding the same as the other plant next to it and thats grand.

Using biotabs and its plain water twice weekly and 1 feed of compost tea on a Saturday, im on day 28 so I guess moving into wk 5

Is this nutrient burn? If so then why not my other plants.. is it light burn? If so then why not my other plants

My heads pickled as what it is. Overall plants seem OK but I don't like seeing those types of leaves and haven't a clue why

Any advice appreciated as I'll just chop them off and out of sight no worries lol


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If all variables are the same, then it can be only two things. Either it's genetic, it happens. But more likely, there's something wrong in the soil. Either you watered it to much and this resulted acidification and then the die-off of your bennies or there's bugs inside the soil.
I'm guessing it's the first, which is the most likely scenario... To solve this, you first need to realize this plant will never give you the result which the other plant will deliver. That said, you need to let the soil dry out. Put the pot on a germination mat if necessary, to speed things up.
Next mix up (and I'm guessing 8L pots?) 10L water with 1 teaspoon Bactrex and 2 teaspoons Mycotrex.
Do you have the compost tea? Because those ladies look like they are on day 30 or something, so if you do. Then brew 5L tea according to the guidelines and then add 5L dechlorinated water to that and just add the Bactrex and Mycotrex to that water and soak the pot until all bubbles stop. Then slowly lift the pot out of the water. The slower you lift the more the soil will keep it's structure. :thumbsup:

:goodluck: buddy :toke:
@Bob's Auto's thanks for your reply.

I have all the stuff you mention and I'm 22hr in brewing 3litre of compost tea for the feed in the morning.

They're in 10L pots and on day 28/29 I think so good guess on day 30.

So what I need to do is let pot dry out. Mix the 5l compost tea for 36hr and then dilute with 5l of water and add the bactrax and mycotrex (how many gram) and soak and slowly lift.. seems simple enough.. but do I need to have the tea overflowing the top of the pot?

my roots are always aroumd 24/26 so I can't really heat them up more and the pots are semi light as I was drying for the compost tea feed tomorrow but I guess I could leave her another 36hrs and do what you suggest for Monday

Hopefully it's what you say and not bugs in the soil.

Thanks bud :)
So what I need to do is let pot dry out. Mix the 5l compost tea for 36hr and then dilute with 5l of water and add the bactrax and mycotrex (how many gram)
1gr Bactrex and 2gr Mycotrex (1gr = 1 teaspoon) added to the diluted tea. Mix it in really well and use it within four hours. Take your time with soaking the pot. And put it somewhere it can drain it's excess. Don't let it collect in a tray and let the pot sit in that solution. The purpose of the drying out is to kill of all bad anaerobic bacteria and the purpose of the soaking is to get as much good bacteria and mycelia back into the soil. They do the heavy lifting, we just need to keep them happy :goodluck:

but do I need to have the tea overflowing the top of the pot?
Yes you do. Not over the rim, but surely over the top of the soil, that way you see the airbubbles easier. Also hold your hand over the top of the soil, as it wants to come up because of buoyancy. Just keep pressing it down until it drowns completely. Then you slowly pull it out the water.

my roots are always aroumd 24/26 so I can't really heat them up more
That's perfect, warmer isn't that good either. :thumbsup: Normally one should have his/hers soil at around 19-20°C / 66-68°F, but mine is always on top of a large heatmat and they are alright, so...:shrug:

semi light as I was drying for the compost tea feed tomorrow but I guess I could leave her another 36hrs and do what you suggest for Monday
You want the pot a light as you can without stressing the plants. ie, wilting...

Hopefully it's what you say and not bugs in the soil.
You can order some of those yellow paper sticky thingamajigs online. These catch flying buggies. If you see lots, then there's a chance their larvae are in your soil...
@Bob's Auto's Your so helpful, that's all good advice and really appreciated. I was also.looking at LED light stress as its only the odd leaf and not all over and the images are very similar to my leaves.

I never know what wattage to use and have thus stupid impression more light bigger flower but im only in a 60x90 tent with Par 275w, it is dimmable and I have a plug in watt reader, this last week I turned it up over 200w and slowly increased it but have read I shouldn't really be any higher than 180w.so have now turned it down

It's the same in my auto tent and that's smaller at 50x90 with a 200w led thats dimmable and I think that's around 140w and those plants seem grand.

I'm going to do a light defoliation today and feed the compost tea I've brewed, keep the light at aroumd 180w and lift it up higher see if how the next few days go without feed. If I'm still seeing the issue with the plant after that I'll defo be doing what you suggest. I just need to order the mycortrex as ive only a little sprinkle in the sachet left from the start pack but that'll be dine today and I should have it Momday or Tuesday.

Thanks so much as usual and I'll let you know how things go.
Hey Buddy,

Don't know which light you are using, but in such a small space, please be careful with that amount of Wattage.
I'm running a TS-1000 (max150W) inside a 60x60x160 cm tent and I'm only running it at 60%.
You'll also notice that those damaged leaves will only get worse. Best to defoliate them a day after you dunked the pot in the tea mix. Hopefully the plant has energy enough and will start to grow new foliage and then you are off again ;)