What to expect from my soil mix?

Aug 11, 2016
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Apologies if this is the wrong forum my soil isnt quite organic but I'm using 2gal smart pots (fabric) with approximately 1/4 perlite, 1/4 cow manure & compost, 1/4 topsoil (half&half peat moss and organic matter) and 1/4 miracle grow potting mix (I picked most of the bark and little nute balls out.)
(Also inoculated transplant hole with mykos)
Seedlings were germed in mg potting mix and transplanted into the amended smart pots, they're about two weeks old and looking great except for one strain (master kush photoperiod) is slightly tip burned and growing much slower than the other three photoperiods.
I use rain water stored in a rusty metal tank which has a pH of about 7.5, occasionally I'll use bottled drinking water with a touch of calmag, I plan on light feeding FF trio loosely following the FF feeding schedule no more than once a week, and using a recommended dose of open sesame the week I flip the lights, and then apply light doses of Beastie bloomz once a week for a couple weeks.
Should I tone down the use of anything with a lot of nitrogen? I figure with all the cow shit in my soil there is already enough N in the mix and maybe I could cut out the FF grow big all together.
The runoff out of these pots is sitting right at 7.
Any input is appreciated.
(Edit: more info that may be pertinent):
2'x4' grow space
Two mars 48x5w reflectors at full spectrum (plan on adding one of those viparspectra 200 actual watt reflectors before flowering, to get me at 50w per sq ft)
Growing wonder woman, super skunk, ak48, and master kush. (Photoperiod for my first real try but already have Russian automatic and auto black haze beans in the fridge)
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well before reading much further I need to ask you if the bag of MG soil said it would feed for three or 15 years or anything like that? the nute balls are not only where its at since thats a cheap form of osmacote i believe and the soil itself is actually sprayed and chemically bonded too,so its a lil tough..LOL try giving it a squeeze from a spongy lightly moist soil under some leaves a squeeze and a sniff then go and do that with MG soil.it will stink of chemical sourness hard,well does to me anyway. but it could really be a mixed grow man, could do any number of things LOL but if its not too whacked out of balance ,it'll perform ok. smoke may not be that great but a never know.
The MG said "feeds up to six months" on the bag but honestly I'm not worried about it since I only used maybe a liter of it in each pot.
I'm maybe 60 days in with these photoperiods and so far I haven't had any issues, but it's a very airy mix and I think my probiotic population is suffering because of it, so I did a top dress of BAS craft blend nutrient mix (must be good shit cause my dog literally ate about 4 pounds of it overnight...) and I'll be adding EM-1 in the next couple days.
I did notice some air pruning happening a couple weeks back and I don't want to stunt my colas so ive ordered 5gal smart pots which I'll put a couple inches of manure, compost, and peat into then drop my 2gal plants into and fill the sides, hopefully it'll give the roots a bit more room to stretch, and the lack of aeration on the outer pot might give my microbes a chance to thrive.
Persian whites coming along nicely!

Tips and advice always welcome, soon as I get done with these I'm going to try a few heisenhounds with mephisto super soil mix in the bottom.
I started my first couple grows in the 6 month feed. I would not mix it with the organic stuff. Not even if I picked out the balls. If your going to go that rout I would look for a different organic soil as the 6 month and organic amendments don't mix well. The microbes that break down the amendments don't like synthetic additives much. When you mix your soils up I would mix them early for your next crop while your on your current grow so things have time to break down before it gets planted in. You soil also seems very hot to me. I use steer manure a lot but at a lot less. A clone will handle more manure than a seed will usually so keep that in mind. I run a lot of Roots organic soil, I am getting nitrogen toxicity at just 24 ounces of manure ( 2 red solo cups full ) on most plants per 1.5cf bag of soil. I would switch out your manure for worm castings and add a little manure to your mix but not at 1/4. I would do 50% peat, 25% perlite, 25% worm castings and than add dry nutrients like bone meal, green sand ect... and then a little lime to make sure the PH balances out correct for ya. I would wash your perlite too I have had problems with it before and I think my perlite had chemicals on it from being processed. There would be a point were adding to much would burn my plants and this is the only conclusion I could come up with. I also would not bloom in any thing less than a 5 gallon pot even for my autos now. Larger pots are just easier to grow in for so many reasons. Don't take any thing I say as more than an opinion it looks like your plants look pretty good from the pictures, happy growing.
I have some Persian white seeds as well as a few others but have not tried to grow them out yet. Interested to see how these do in the same tent.