Outdoor What should i grow?!


Ron Burgundy

I need help deciding on which seeds would be best suited for my summer grow as i want to do a few outdoor plants over summer. The conditions will be pretty hot and humid because im growing on the west coast of Florida on some islands i found by exploring. these islands are surrounded by salt water but are pretty big and covered in mangroves and palm trees etc...any ideas on a pretty hardy plant that would do well in these conditions? im gunna be germinating and planting at the beginning of May any input is much appreciated thanks in advance!
I envy ya brother, I just got home to KY from Sarasota and loved it.. Wish I lived on the gulf coast of FL...
im planting autos and thats funny sarasota is 15 minutes where im at haha! but ya its sweet down here def easy livin laid back island time mane lol right now im looking at maybe mazar or think different as they both are supposed to be resistant to molds and such but other than that im lookin at some of dinafems new seeds...any suggestions???
I found that orher seedbamks dont really tell you if an auto will do well outdoors, they probably assume that everyone is an indoor grower... If you order from automatic-seed the description will tell you wether it performs well outdoors. Jem, purple ak47, gigglejuice, and the hazes are all capable of outdoor performance. I live in sunny CA and my plants thrive under the sun.
Most any auto should suite you fine - you need to decide what you want out of the high/yield/etc...the most important question that no one is addressing; is, what plants will be salt tolerant. Even if you feed them fresh water manually (which would be a pain on an island), the salt air will have a strong effect on the plants. You might want to look into that. In the marine terrestrial plant ecosystem, the plants can play a different role than on land. I would google "aelopathy", and start from there. Many salt tolerant plants evolved based on this concept due to the lack of nutrient rich soils from the coral rock environment. Make sure you don't go planting near certain plant species on the island. You most likely will need to import soil and devise a suitable watering system, as rain water may not be a useful from stemflow of other plants (i.e high salinity and TDS levels - expect pH to be way off as well).

I would make sure you do a lot of homework before you begin, as it might be a bigger battle then you expect; unless you have a strong background in growing and know how to cover all the bases.

I would look for plants that can take higher pH levels, are drought tolerant, and (sadly) have a backards leaf to bud ratio. I would personally look into Mossy's Purple AK; if I were to begin your endeavour. MI-5 would also be in the top 10. Good luck and let us know how it goes!
I think a better question is how big is your island? salt doesn't evaporate into the air with water, that's why distillation can be used as a form of desalinization. Go far enough off the beach and salt is a non-issue. Of course you should test and amend your soil, I don't know any successful outdoor growers that don't amend their soil, but I honestly think you can get away with way more than just a few strains. Look into tropical sativas or the autos listed as mold resistant.
ya ive taken alot of all that into consideration before i did this but this island is acres and has pine trees and other plants and trees bushes etc so i know theres gotta be good soil in there somewhere either that or i was thinking maybe ill just bring my earthboxes out there and bury them up to the rim so theyre not obvious and i can bring out ffof soil on my jet skii it has alot of storage room as well as other watering system or whatever it is really and i was thinking the salt would be more so in the soil than the air would be the problem but then again if i use the earthbox that avoids that whole problem mostly. As far as the high goes im really not too picky i do like an upbeat more active high which would prob constitute me picking some sativa dominant strains which would do better outside more than likely than indica i would think anyways... but ya i scouted around extensively and this spot is prime for sure. i was looking at think different as well just cause a strain with higher thc content would be in my interest as well. and transportation out to this island is not a problem so any ideas or suggestions that anyone has as to the idea for the setup or any ideas on a specific few strains that you think would do best overall lemme know if all goes right this grow could have great potential i think its just all the different aspects need to come together i guess