I was a little bit tipsy last night and that post above got away from me, what I was going to say was so far I have grown, ak49, blue cheese, the shiz, viking, amnesia all auto's and super silver haze with a few cheese plants thrown in from bags of weed I've bought, last year I grew 10 ak49, 5 blue cheese, plus 1 super silver haze. I killed 4 blue cheese by allowing my dog to come with me when planting out, I thought I was being clever by soaking the seeds in water waiting until they all opened then take them out in the cup I had them in and plant them straight out, stupidly I put the cup on the ground and my dog knocked it over instantly losing 4 seeds, ah well ya live and learn don't ya, I pulled about 5 and half oz out of the ak49 and about an oz off the silver, which as a first grow I was really happy about, this year I had 2 of the shiz which I only got an ounce a plant from 1 viking that gave about half an oz as well as 1 amnesia that did the same, I also had 8 cheese plants from bags of weed that only produced 48 gram's of low quality bud all leaf no nugs, it was at that point I realised I'm a shit grower and need help from the professionals so I joined this site, next year I plan on growing enough weed so I never have to buy another bag of weed ever again, I'm ordering 10 cash crop next week as they look awesome and then 5 cream caramel, 5 cream mandarine as well as 5 cherry bomb, if I can spare any more cash I'll get a few weeks extras I've got my eye on next year I'm going fully organic as this year I didn't know sod all about flushing and the vile taste on my bud has put me right off chemicals, I hope I've put this thread in the right place as I've never used a forum before so I don't know the correct etiquette here, if I have made a mistake spank my arse and send me on my way