New Grower What has happened?

Jan 29, 2017
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OK so I have this bag seed that was doing great for a while. Everything else in my grow is in Coco but instead of wasting that in a bag seed that might not even be a female I just used potting soil as a bit of an experiment as well.

I ended up getting fungus gnats only with this plant so I slowed down big time with the watering for fear of an infestation. I have def been putting in on the back burner nectar of this and it used to be such a thick bushy healthly plant. Now it's on the verge of death and I don't even know if it's worth saving. What do you guys think?

It appears to be suffering from underwatering and now maybe over watering in an attempt to counteract that? I don't know every other plant I have is doing great though...

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OK so I have this bag seed that was doing great for a while. Everything else in my grow is in Coco but instead of wasting that in a bag seed that might not even be a female I just used potting soil as a bit of an experiment as well.

I ended up getting fungus gnats only with this plant so I slowed down big time with the watering for fear of an infestation. I have def been putting in on the back burner nectar of this and it used to be such a thick bushy healthly plant. Now it's on the verge of death and I don't even know if it's worth saving. What do you guys think?

It appears to be suffering from underwatering and now maybe over watering in an attempt to counteract that? I don't know every other plant I have is doing great though...

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This is legit one week ago

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The minute you said fungus gnats and bag seed, your choice was made. Get that thing out of your grow! Don't even take the chance of infesting your Coco.

Everything your seeing with the plant can be explained by the gnats so why play around?
@sammykins what kind of soil is that? it does look dry.. and compacted. what are you feeding them?
It is just a top soil. I am feeding them Rx green solutions grow a and b formula. Funny thing is last year I did my first grow ever with this soil and without adding any nutrients. I only had one plant and it was also bag seed. Sort of testing the waters.
Although it was out doors I didn't even pH I let rain water it and when it got too dry just water straight out of the hose and it flourished. Also as a part of my experiment I also did one auto in this same soil and it's the best looking plant I have.

@sammykins what kind of soil is that? it does look dry.. and compacted. what are you feeding them?

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The minute you said fungus gnats and bag seed, your choice was made. Get that thing out of your grow! Don't even take the chance of infesting your Coco.

Everything your seeing with the plant can be explained by the gnats so why play around?
I know but I haven't seen any since that one day then I let it dry out, probably too much and there was only a few to begin with. It's the dead of winter so I don't even know how they appeared to begin with but any who. I thought fungus gnats only affected soil.

Don't get me wrong I intend on moving this container outside today and just forget about this plant.

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