OLD REVIEWS What genetics

Feb 15, 2017
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Hey all,

Preparing a new grow.

Last year I grew 6-7 mephisto strains, withvarying results. Good smoke, but less than half of the expensive seeds popped :( (tried both damp tissues between plates, and planting directly in jiffy.
I had hopes up after reading peoples experience with them.

So what now???

What seedbank should I try next?
Try Rocbudinc. you will not be disappointed. Cannot go wrong with Dinafem, fastbuds, Night Owl, magic strains.
I second Dinafem. However, if you're having trouble germinating seeds, it will be worth your time to get a solid method going before you use expensive genetics. If you have freebies and etc you don't plan on using, then use them to try various seed starting techniques.

Some sites have really cheap seeds that are great for this. Oaseeds has their own seeds that are 100% germination for me and they are cheap. They call these "bulk seeds".
Hey all,

Preparing a new grow.

Last year I grew 6-7 mephisto strains, withvarying results. Good smoke, but less than half of the expensive seeds popped :( (tried both damp tissues between plates, and planting directly in jiffy.
I had hopes up after reading peoples experience with them.

So what now???

What seedbank should I try next?
Nothing wrong with Mephisto in my limited experience. What temperature did you germinate at?
Well I have grown many plants before and newer had these issues. Seeds are germinated at around 22celsius
Hey all,

Preparing a new grow.

Last year I grew 6-7 mephisto strains, withvarying results. Good smoke, but less than half of the expensive seeds popped :( (tried both damp tissues between plates, and planting directly in jiffy.
I had hopes up after reading peoples experience with them.

So what now???

What seedbank should I try next?
Welp.. Sounds like the last time you listened to others and got your hopes up, it didn't work out too well for ya.. So why not try a different method this time.. Instead if asking or reading the opinions of others, you could try to figure out for yourself what type of cannabis you want to grow, what effects or traits your looking for ect.. And then research breeders until all of your boxes are checked. If it's more about germ rates, no company can guarantee germ rates, so there will always be a risk with that. Especially when the seeds are mailed. Many post offices in many countries run the mail through an irradiation process.. Which pretty much kills seeds.. So there are a lot of variables to consider. Everyone has their favorite breeder, so you will get plenty of answers.. But eventually you'll want to go with what's right for YOU, rather than what's popular right now.
I been considering the irradiation idea, been told it is not done here - could possibly be some other exposure... not sure what though.

My take on it is to get feedback from people on different companies, and then go and research them.
I been considering the irradiation idea, been told it is not done here - could possibly be some other exposure... not sure what though.

My take on it is to get feedback from people on different companies, and then go and research them.
There are many options so that's a good idea! I've been wondering about different post office techniques as well.. I'm sure other types of exposures, to certain waves/rays would have a similar effect.. Irradiation is just the one process that's publicly known. No telling what else they use or have access to..