New Grower What do the numbers on fertilzer really mean? How to get those numbers for hydro solution?

Jun 6, 2012
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Doing a hydro experiment, and want to accurately provide nutrients. How do you achieve the numbers posted on the product. Miracle gro says 1 tablespoon per gallon for watering. Would that be accurate for others? Does the manufacturer need to be contacted? They never give any info. Will have a tds meter in a few days, if it can be done by ppm.

Thanks for any help and suggestions!!!:clap:
hello again! im here as a passer by but the general school of thought is that miracle grow is too strong for cannabis, and autos are especially sensitive. some use it fine with good results but there are alot of failed grows because of it and its strength. best off using a dedicated MJ fert like General hydro, Biobizz, canna.. i dont know many myself as im pretty new but im sure someone will be along with some advice soon anyway.
good luck
Using 50% miracle gro, and need to supplement mg, sulfur, and calcium.
Another reason for the question is I am trying to emulate Technaflora products. They say use 3 tsp of this and 1/2 tsp of that, and want to calculate what they are actually delivering per gallon.

I will have a tds meter by Friday, if parts per million will help.
Dont know what miracle grow is but my advise is buy ec-meter so you know how strong your solution is.
I have used some cheap universal mineralnutrient in hydro and soil and it works just fine in vegetative period. If you are using nutrient that include all the makro and mikro nutes then all you have to know is the ec and pH.
Went back and edited before your post, I will have TDS on friday. But what should I be looking for?????
0.5 ppt for young seedlings and as they grow you can make it stronger up to 2 ,but sometimes I have had it up to 4 without burns. check ec every time before you add nutes to your reservoir (and after). If ec is rising your plants use more water than nutes so you must add water if it has dropped add more nutes. Its very simple. Learn to know your plants and they will tell what they want, pH and ec are just tools to make it easyer. Don't forget pH its very important. watch growdiaries and see what more experienced growers are doing. have a good one. :)
PPM converts to EC and back. You just need to figure out if your meter is 500 scale or 700 scale to get the correct EC. This meter will only give you an idea of the strength in your total solution. It will not give you any specific info for N, P, or K. Those numbers on the bottle are the minimum percentages and are often not correct. Some products with low numbers can still be very strong and that is where the ppm will give you an Idea of the relative strength.
Hey zatoichi, if you don't know what npk values on ferts are then you should do a little more research before you begin growing. Here's a link to the new growers section.

Also, I'm not sure MG is even okay for hydro. As far as I know It's just a soil nute. I won't even allow that stuff on my property, let alone near my plants. I highly advise you ditch it.

:peace: Stay safe and harvest heavy