New Grower What could this be? quick toughts?

Nov 5, 2018
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Hi guys, i feed her sensi bloom since day 10 i follow tangs feeding chart she is on week 8 and 67cm tall(with lst) but i feed water between every nutrient feeding im using vitalink calmag and im giving her 1,4ml per 2L of water and sensi bloom 1,6ml per 2L ph to 6.5 im giving her calmag with every watering too could that be the problem? it all seems to appear on newer growth and lowert growth is basically yellowing has spots and is dryig up ( its Tangie'Matic from fastbuds) 48241603_369404853626515_656793249377157120_n.jpg 48357522_522164078261134_1958314514982109184_n.jpg 48357818_305207690089015_4551105994343579648_n.jpg 48369309_212678156325470_4613767449773342720_n.jpg
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That's a cannabis plant.

@Waira can help out. There are a bunch of others, but that's the only name I can remember at the moment
Hey. It looks like shes asking for water and phosphorus.
Possibly try foilar feeding ur plants with a 1-1-1make sure u do it at dark time. If ur using city water (chlorinated) its probably missing iron n zink which makes it difficult to uptake the manganease how is the growth with ur plant ?
Possibly try foilar feeding ur plants with a 1-1-1make sure u do it at dark time. If ur using city water (chlorinated) its probably missing iron n zink which makes it difficult to uptake the manganease how is the growth with ur plant ?
I lst'ed her and she is about 70CM even tho she is still in lst so she was pretty healthy and she is a stong pheno, im actually using city water any ideas on making that 1-1-1 foliar spray? and wich nutrients shall i use for that foliar spray do you think? i also have b52 astroflower overdrive and like mentioned above sensi bloom and calmag
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I use nutri plus ( brand) and mix about a teaspoon in a 1ltr spray bottle. I have never measeured ppm for anything so idk about any of that i go bye guess n check most important is doing it in the dark city water is a plant killer. If u get ur water in a bucket and leave it for 24 hours before giving it to ur plants it will help as some of the chlorine will wick out of ur water over night. Also a good idea to let ur neuts blend over night n check ur ph hours after mixing your ph will change over time . these are just my best guesses im a decent grower n have seen many issues but i cant say i know for sure. George cervantez grow bible has all sorts of pics for problems in plants check it out if its possible .
I use nutri plus ( brand) and mix about a teaspoon in a 1ltr spray bottle. I have never measeured ppm for anything so idk about any of that i go bye guess n check most important is doing it in the dark city water is a plant killer. If u get ur water in a bucket and leave it for 24 hours before giving it to ur plants it will help as some of the chlorine will wick out of ur water over night. Also a good idea to let ur neuts blend over night n check ur ph hours after mixing your ph will change over time . these are just my best guesses im a decent grower n have seen many issues but i cant say i know for sure. George cervantez grow bible has all sorts of pics for problems in plants check it out if its possible .
George cervantez grow bible i will check it out for sure :D ! and i dediced i will give this girl her normal nutrients again as i think she started going like this when i watered her 2 times in a row i just bought some water and i will see how she reacts i will check my ph after time too ! :D
Best of luck my friend .I struggled a LOT when i had to use city water. I now have well water n my plants love it. I hope u can get it settled out .
Possibly try foilar feeding ur plants with a 1-1-1make sure u do it at dark time. If ur using city water (chlorinated) its probably missing iron n zink which makes it difficult to uptake the manganease how is the growth with ur plant ?

Or to ensure the stomata are open and will absorb nutrients, foliar spray within 15-20 minutes of lights being off.

Can’t help with the pics question but I would encourage a light foliar feeding.

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