Weird spot on 10 days old seedling


Nordic Grower
Cultivators Club
Nov 3, 2020
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Pinot Noir & Strawberry Stomper
Hey guys,

My girl is 10 days old and since yesterday, she started getting those weird yellow spot on her, is this normal?

I'm giving her water every 3 days approximately depending on how she drinks and pot weight, but I had to water more than I should have yesterdays since I was becoming to get some hydrophobic soil.

Water is pH'ed to 6.2-6.3 and growing in living soil. (Distilled water)

Temps are 72 and humidity is at 55RH


I'm looked a bit on the forum what that might be but Im really not sure.

Thanks for any input.
@Mañ'O'Green Got some more close up pics, I think it's getting worse.
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You are going to kill that plant with kindness.

Why are you using distilled water? Unless your tap water is very hard or too polluted to drink it may be fine to use. What PH down chemical are you using and how much of it? What are you putting in the distilled water to be able to get a PH reading? PH probes cannot measure PH accurately in distilled water. It will be accurate if you add a couple hundred PPM of nutrients.

Show us pictures of the entire plant. I have had finicky plants that just look funny sometimes. It is really important that you do not start adding anything to that pot. That plant is a baby and there is more than enough food in the soil.
Actually I was using demineralized water because I didn't want to use tap in case it got a bunch of chlorine etc added to it by the city.
I am using General Hydroponics pH down to bring the pH down to 6.2 and measuring with a bluelab pH meter.
I did not top dress the soil yet, I am waiting for at least 3 weeks before I feed her with anything.
Is demineralized water the same as distilled? I was told it would be better to use distilled water to water plants than tap water
Actually I was using demineralized water because I didn't want to use tap in case it got a bunch of chlorine etc added to it by the city.
I am using General Hydroponics pH down to bring the pH down to 6.2 and measuring with a bluelab pH meter.
I did not top dress the soil yet, I am waiting for at least 3 weeks before I feed her with anything.
Is demineralized water the same as distilled? I was told it would be better to use distilled water to water plants than tap water
Ok the demineralized water explains how the PH meter is working. That water can contain trace mineral ions and be enough for the PH pen to work.
The PH down is Phosphoric acid that becomes Phosphorus - The P in N-P-K This may be a factor to look at. Do you have an EC meter? Measure the water if you can before PHing the thing is most meters do not read below 50 PPM. I kinda doubt your water is that high and the amount of Phosphorus is most likely way less than 50 also this might not work. Anyhow it might be a factor. so check it out.

You are on municipal water and should be able to get a water quality report online. We are interested in the Hardness section and the Sanitation section. Don't post the whole thing to remain anonymous. You need to verify the starting PPM out of your faucet against the report. The report is based on averages of wells or other plants in the system. But the base information is valuable.
@Mañ'O'Green I will call the municipality tomorrow because I can't find anything online about water quality reports from where I live. (We are less than 1000 people in my village)
I do not have an EC meter currently but it was on my to buy list next time I place an order on Amazon.

Actually thinking about it, I started having this issue when I switched from tap water that I let sit for 24-48 hours to the demineralized water. Do you think that might be the cause?
@Mañ'O'Green I will call the municipality tomorrow because I can't find anything online about water quality reports from where I live. (We are less than 1000 people in my village)
I do not have an EC meter currently but it was on my to buy list next time I place an order on Amazon.

Actually thinking about it, I started having this issue when I switched from tap water that I let sit for 24-48 hours to the demineralized water. Do you think that might be the cause?
First of all I don't see it as much of a problem yet. Lots of plants start out strange. Knowledge is the key. We are living in I don't know land right now. Is your grow legal? Be careful how you ask about the water if not. and get an EC meter.