New Grower Wedding Cake Auto in Coco

Jun 22, 2022
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Hello all! Going to start my first Auto grow in many many years with Wedding Cake. Genetics are Dem Native Boys here in Oklahoma. It's been so so so many years since I've done a auto grow. Also going to do the grow in my least favorite media of all time. Going in folks with a coco grow. I'm either a dirt farmer or hydro. Don't have the room for hydro now so coco it is. And,,, honestly I would like to throw this grow to the community. So let me lay this grow out and what we have to work with. The grow will be in a 3' x 3' Gorilla with a 1' extension with four plants if the seeds pop. Lighting will be HLG dual 260 Rspects with UVA-30. A HLG 100 V2 4000K for seedlings and early veg if we want to use it. 6" AC Infinity exhaust fan and 3 ea. 6" circ fans, one above the lights and two in the grow area. Pots, elevators and saucers are #5 nursery plastic pots of just over 4 gal capacity. Coco will be Ocean Forrest 70/30 and nutrients will be Humbolt Secret starter pack + two. Lung room stays in the low to mid 70'sf range. A 1 gallon humidifier will be on the job with Inkbird controlling it. Tools at our disposal for the grow are a Apogee MQ-610, Apera EC60, PH60 and PH20, Inkbird IR Thermo, Huepar wood moisture meter, Grove Bags and Govee temp/rh meters. New 5ml/10ml glass pipettes are due in today and a heat mat to help with seed popping. I use municipal water straight out of the tap left to rest a few days before use. I don't filter or treat in anyway and have been doing it this way at this house for 30 years. I will get a base TDS/PPM on the tap soon. It's lake water and it will swing on us through the course of the grow. As we enter in the dog days of summer it will go up. This is what we have to work with come hell or high water. I do not want to do this grow alone. As I said I would like this to be a community grow. Will start popping seeds this evening or in the morning.

Here are a few recent pics so you can get comfortable in the office, work, grow space. So lets mull it over, cuss and discuss the grow and get it going.


Current ATF Photo grow in the 2 x 4 flipped to flower a week ago. Pic taken this morning just before lights out.
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Pulling a chair up my freind, I grow in coco so if can help I will.

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Loaded the pots down with 70/30 and gave it a good inspection and flush. Will put them in the tent tonight or in the morning. Will be popping seeds tonight or in the morning. I'm going at this like a complete and total noob. I know from my past experience of 12 or better years ago concerning auto's it was always better to put fresh popped seeds right into the permeant home in soil. Is that the case with coco? I can solo cup them for a week or so in coco or soil and have there transplant holes ready to go. So what does the community have to say about the popped seeds?

Loaded the pots down with 70/30 and gave it a good inspection and flush. Will put them in the tent tonight or in the morning. Will be popping seeds tonight or in the morning. I'm going at this like a complete and total noob. I know from my past experience of 12 or better years ago concerning auto's it was always better to put fresh popped seeds right into the permeant home in soil. Is that the case with coco? I can solo cup them for a week or so in coco or soil and have there transplant holes ready to go. So what does the community have to say about the popped seeds?

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I normally start mine off in coco plugs, give them a day or two after popping then transplant to there final container.
You could start in a solo cup but I would transplant quickly.
Loaded the pots down with 70/30 and gave it a good inspection and flush. Will put them in the tent tonight or in the morning. Will be popping seeds tonight or in the morning. I'm going at this like a complete and total noob. I know from my past experience of 12 or better years ago concerning auto's it was always better to put fresh popped seeds right into the permeant home in soil. Is that the case with coco? I can solo cup them for a week or so in coco or soil and have there transplant holes ready to go. So what does the community have to say about the popped seeds?

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I'm a solo cup starter myself even after all these years
I'm a solo cup starter myself even after all these years

I can start in solo's with coco or coco/soil mix or straight soil thats a mix of Ocean Forrest/#8. I'm liking solo cups in Ocean Forrest and just the needed ph'ed water.... So what will it be????? Lets go at this as a complete noob!!!!
I can start in solo's with coco or coco/soil mix or straight soil thats a mix of Ocean Forrest/#8. I'm liking solo cups in Ocean Forrest and just the needed ph'ed water.... So what will it be????? Lets go at this as a complete noob!!!!
I was always warned not to mix soil and coco so id either go one or the other
I need to get to a lawyers office then on to a funeral. So cuss and discuss among yourselves.... I will be back later tonight...
OK I'm ready to float seeds and get them popped. But I'm getting cold feet concerning Auto's in coco. Just not setting well with me when I know how good I can get with simple Ocean Forrest or other soils I refer to as fortified soils. Is it rational? Heres a pick of ATF Photo's being transplanted at two weeks from helmet heads. Also typically I use a HLG 100 V2 4000k light for my seedlings at least two if not 3 weeks with photos. Should I use the 100 V2 with the autos? I hate cold feet and indecision in my mind set,,, damit!


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