Indoor Watering seedlings - newbie needs advice

Dr. Babnik

Virtus ex Alto
Apr 2, 2016
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Currently Smoking
Six Shooter, Black Stone, Stone Dragon, Moroccan and home made hash
My girls are approx. 20 days old.

When watering, should I water lightly or until I get run-off water?
I use to water when the upper 2 in is dry and then give them 0.5 L H2O.

Today I should give them water only.
I just ordered a pH meter. Should I wait for it, before I water the plants?
What size pot are they in? At day 20 you should be watering so the entire pot is moist not just the top few inches.Always water enough so you get a slight runoff. I would water now if it's really dry and then use your ph meter starting with the next watering.Are you feeding nutes yet and what are you using?
Pots are 10 liters.
I have Hesi, Canna and Powder feeding nutes.
I feed 1/4 recommeded dose. Which one of the fertilizers should I stick to?
As for now I use Powder feeding. Will use Hesi TNT next time I feed.
Stick with the veg nute until there into flowering mode.Use the nutes that can be dissolved in water because they work faster but if there all non soluable just mix in the soil according to there directions.
Thank you, Dr. namvet25.
The pH meter was shipped off today. It may be here tomorrow already.
I will collect samples from run-off water. What is the acceptable pH range?
Stick with the veg nute until there into flowering mode.Use the nutes that can be dissolved in water because they work faster but if there all non soluable just mix in the soil according to there directions.
The Powder feeding is disolved in water prior to use. It is a product fro Green House Seed Co. It is recommended to use it for the complete lifecycle of autos. N-P-K% is 16-6-26-(+2 Mg). As for Canna and HESI products there are sparate products for veg and bloom.

I use HESI Root complex and HESI Power zyme in the water at all times. Feeding at every 2 waterings, not 3 as I wrote previously. This Power zyme, is it effective or is it snake oil?
16-6-26 might be ok for vegging but I don't no about using it for flowering.Flower nutes should be higher in phosphous and not so high in potassium and nitrogen.I really can't comment on the zyme,never used it.
Thank you, Dr. namvet25.
The pH meter was shipped off today. It may be here tomorrow already.
I will collect samples from run-off water. What is the acceptable pH range?
I never check my runoff water and just make sure my input is near 6.5.Some people will say to ph the runoff but that will always be different than the input water than you have to add more chemicals to get the runoff to come out right and I don't believe it's necessasary.
SeaGrow all purpose or for veg is 16-16-16 the flower and bloom SeaGrow is 4-26-26 GrowMore (the company that makes SeaGrow) also makes Hawaiian Bud and Bloom for end stage flowering that is 5-50-17. I have never used the Hawaiian in fear of burning the girls up especially with autos.