Live Stoners Watering question


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Oct 20, 2018
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my plants in the second week of flowering and I was wondering I keep seeing people say water your plant until you see run off but should I be doing that when I have a ten gallon pot I poured a gallon of water my last feeding and saw no run off but was scared to go over if anyone has an answer I would appreciate it
my plants in the second week of flowering and I was wondering I keep seeing people say water your plant until you see run off but should I be doing that when I have a ten gallon pot I poured a gallon of water my last feeding and saw no run off but was scared to go over if anyone has an answer I would appreciate it

10 gallon fabric or plastic
What medium you growing in?
my plants in the second week of flowering and I was wondering I keep seeing people say water your plant until you see run off but should I be doing that when I have a ten gallon pot I poured a gallon of water my last feeding and saw no run off but was scared to go over if anyone has an answer I would appreciate it

Me vs 00 Seeds Autos CocoDTW600w
Start with the 1 then add more slowly and watch when water comes out the bottom stop thats what I do with my plastic and fabric pots. Sometimes with fabric I have no run off I like the bottom of my pots to stay damp
Thank you I’m going to do that I watered here three or four days ago when will I know the perfect time to water her again I’ve been doing it when I put my finger almost an inch down if it’s dry I water is that right
Thank you I’m going to do that I watered here three or four days ago when will I know the perfect time to water her again I’ve been doing it when I put my finger almost an inch down if it’s dry I water is that right
Yes or the weight of the pot, takes just over a week for roots to reach the bottom. That's why you deep water but less often.

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