Grow Mediums Watering plants using arduino :)

May 4, 2018
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I smoke it all
Hey everybody, I'm about to get started an arduino project that should make eve thing automatic.
I will start from the watering system.
As soon as I will get eve thing sorted I will share all the details with you guys of course :)
My biggest problem at the moment is to figure out what are the best watering conditions for the plants.
If you don't mind I have few questions for you to try to achieve the best possible result.

My idea is to water the soil every time that the humidity (moister level) of the soil gets below a certain level.
I'm a newbie grower so i'm not sure if this is the best way to do so, or if I should water them based on a time schedule, for instance once every 2 days etc.

Part 2 of the project is about the ph level of the ground, I have in mind to check the ground's PH level eveytime I check for the humidity of it and then adjust automatically the ph level of the water using some ph up and ph down.
I read online that the ph range of the water should be between 5.2 and 6.0, the idea is that if the soil PH level is 7.5 arduino will adjust the water's PH level at 5.2 so it should compensate, and try to get the soil at 6.5 in a long term.
Do you think is this a good idea? soil PH and water PH should be related in my opinion.

Part 3 of the project is sending water to the soil, this is something very important, I think the best way to water plats is to try to simulate a rain effect, that way the plant gets water in the most natural way, instead to send the water via a normal tube the idea is to use a spray nozzle.

This is just the beginning, once the watering system is sorted I will go ahead and start working on other aspect such lights, temperature (fun and cooling systems) and more, btw I missed something please tell me as I said i'm still a noob grower.

I hope you guys can help me figure out this, and just to clarify I don't do this because i'm lazy but I do it because I want to try to make the most efficient system possible that is automated.

Thanks for your time, I think we can create something special here!