New Grower Water Quality Discussion.


Certified Rambler
Jan 9, 2015
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
White Crack and Alien Vs Triangle
Thought i would post up my tap waters contents, and i think i get most of water the contents mean, but dont have the cash at the moment for all the proper test kits.

Thought any other members could post there water content info here if they wanted it analyzed, the thread could create a useful database of different water source info, and help anyone not sure exactly whats in there water understand, as its such a important part of what goes into our plants, gives you a very good idea when pre-planning your grow.

Water Treament
Filtered Brita Jug Filter.

Water Content
(Translated by Goggle from Spanish)
pH: 6.9-7.3
Conductivity: 80 to 130 μSiemens / cm
Color: 0-6 Hazen units
Turbidity: 0-3 U.N.F.
Odor: No
Taste: Absence
Hardness: 0.6 mmol / l
Calcium: 0.45 mmol / l
Magnesium: 0.15 mmol / l
Alkalinity: 0.6 mmol / l
Permanganate oxidability: 1-3 mg / l
Dry residue at 180: 98-136 mg / l
Suspended solids: Absence
Ammonium: 0-0.03 mg / l
Nitrite: 0-0.1 mg / l
Sulfates: 13-40 mg / l
Chlorides 0-5 mg / l
Iron: 0.04-0.15 mg / l
Copper: 0 to 0.01 mg / l
Nickel: 0 mg / l
Chromium: 0 to 0.02 mg / l
Aluminum: 0.01 mg / l
Cyanides: 0 to 0.02 mg / l
Phenol: 0-0.1 mg / l
Phosphorus: 0 mg / l
Silica: 5-53 mg / l
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD): 9-12 mg / l
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD): 0 mg / l
Total Organic Carbon: 3-7 mg / l

You can check your local councils, or water companies website for information, or contact them to request the information, i am sure they must be required to supply it by law.



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Anyone got any ideas on this, from what i can make out my tap water is fine and am not sure if by filtering i am actually removing some good minerals from the water, i am guessing the Chlorides is clorine and if so seems low, but am sure leaving it out for a bit will fix that, or if the filtered water is better, gives a better PH at about 6.4 when from the tap is about 7.

Plants are fine, just like to be 100% sure.
Hey man, I´m going through this at the moment. I have tried to find my local water analysis but had no luck. My tap water comes out close to pH 8 and my PPM can be as high as 350. I´ve always let it stand for 24hrs before use to leach off the chlorine, but the weird part is I often get cal or mag deficiencies even with a starting PPM that high.

I don´t have access to RO water and the plumbing in my apartment is such that fitting an RO system would be a nightmare. As water seems to be a weak link for me I was thinking about either bubbling it for 24 hours before use, or using bottled instead. I think I would struggle with a Brita filter to actually get enough water prepared!
Hey man, I´m going through this at the moment. I have tried to find my local water analysis but had no luck. My tap water comes out close to pH 8 and my PPM can be as high as 350. I´ve always let it stand for 24hrs before use to leach off the chlorine, but the weird part is I often get cal or mag deficiencies even with a starting PPM that high.

I don´t have access to RO water and the plumbing in my apartment is such that fitting an RO system would be a nightmare. As water seems to be a weak link for me I was thinking about either bubbling it for 24 hours before use, or using bottled instead. I think I would struggle with a Brita filter to actually get enough water prepared!

I got my figures through the local councils webpage, had to search for it in Spanish though nothing available in English, for the reason the link gives my local area i wont post it here, but will send you a PM with my councils webpage so you got a idea what to look for, or you could try the water companys website companys name should be on a bill and see what info they have there.

Brita jugs are still ok for large amounts only takes about 2.5 mins to filter a liter and then you can pour that into something to let it sit in, refills seem to last a week if just using it for plants, but i am still not really sure if in somecases filtered water is worse than tap as you lose other minerals etc, so if water quality is good in the first place why filter it when all it needs is be dechlorinated.
Hey Spanglish Water chemistry can be a bitch. Your tap water doesn't look bad. It contains lots of stuff that plants like. The key is always in the concentrations. Not only whats in the water but whats in the soil too. You can filter out the bad (and good) stuff. Then add the good stuff back in (in he form of nutes etc.) and make it perfect. But if it doesn't jive with what's in the soil, you still get problems. If what you're doing is working good, why mess with it?

Can add to the conversation regarding chlorine and chloramine but short time ATM.
Hey Spanglish Water chemistry can be a bitch. Your tap water doesn't look bad. It contains lots of stuff that plants like. The key is always in the concentrations. Not only whats in the water but whats in the soil too. You can filter out the bad (and good) stuff. Then add the good stuff back in (in he form of nutes etc.) and make it perfect. But if it doesn't jive with what's in the soil, you still get problems. If what you're doing is working good, why mess with it?

Can add to the conversation regarding chlorine and chloramine but short time ATM.

Well go with Bio Bizz Light Mix soil and Bio Bizz Organic nutes, so from what i can see is a good soil and nute combination with nothing nasty going in it.

Is working good yeah but somethings can always work better, so gonna leave some water out try unfiltered as i think it may benfit plants more and chlorine if thats what the clourides are dont seem to high.
I got my figures through the local councils webpage, had to search for it in Spanish though nothing available in English, for the reason the link gives my local area i wont post it here, but will send you a PM with my councils webpage so you got a idea what to look for, or you could try the water companys website companys name should be on a bill and see what info they have there.

Brita jugs are still ok for large amounts only takes about 2.5 mins to filter a liter and then you can pour that into something to let it sit in, refills seem to last a week if just using it for plants, but i am still not really sure if in somecases filtered water is worse than tap as you lose other minerals etc, so if water quality is good in the first place why filter it when all it needs is be dechlorinated.

Filtered water is fine, in fact, it could be better for your plants than your tap water. I've even had well water that killed my plants, yet water tests showed nothing wrong. I use only RO water now, and as long as you use a little cal/mag now and then, you'll be fine
Lightmix and grow and bloom only seem to
work a charm for us here.

Our water is well water, which when we tested had a very high ec, however I imagine this fluctuates throughout the year. It's definitely hard as there's lime scale in our kettle. I'd like to know further
details but really the health of our plants is testament to it being ok for them.

we tried RO but the amount of time it took to fill up just one 200 litre barrel, was several days with our low
water pressure, it also meant our water pump was running constantly. Wasting water and electricity basically.
Hey man, I´m going through this at the moment. I have tried to find my local water analysis but had no luck. My tap water comes out close to pH 8 and my PPM can be as high as 350. I´ve always let it stand for 24hrs before use to leach off the chlorine, but the weird part is I often get cal or mag deficiencies even with a starting PPM that high.

I don´t have access to RO water and the plumbing in my apartment is such that fitting an RO system would be a nightmare. As water seems to be a weak link for me I was thinking about either bubbling it for 24 hours before use, or using bottled instead. I think I would struggle with a Brita filter to actually get enough water prepared!

Actually they make a portable RO unit. Mine came with a valve that screws onto the faucet in place of the aerator. when your done, it take 10 seconds to put it back the way it was. My well water was truly killing many of my plants. All my problems ened when I started using RO water. You could buy distilled water by the gallon also.
Lightmix and grow and bloom only seem to
work a charm for us here.

Our water is well water, which when we tested had a very high ec, however I imagine this fluctuates throughout the year. It's definitely hard as there's lime scale in our kettle. I'd like to know further
details but really the health of our plants is testament to it being ok for them.

we tried RO but the amount of time it took to fill up just one 200 litre barrel, was several days with our low
water pressure, it also meant our water pump was running constantly. Wasting water and electricity basically.

Yes they won't work correctly with low pressure. They do make a small booster pump that simply boosts the water pressure at the RO unit.