Indoor Washing Harvested Buds

Will HOT tap Water afect buds potency?

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Doctor of Fu*king up Grows!
Cultivators Club
Sep 27, 2016
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Currently Smoking
Moist basement shitty moldy albanian weed..
I got one question , i have white flies and I cant get rid of them, it isnt very bad ,but they are here, so I'm wondering if I wash fresh harvested buds with HOT water will It affect the potency??
I got one question , i have white flies and I cant get rid of them, it isnt very bad ,but they are here, so I'm wondering if I wash fresh harvested buds with HOT water will It affect the potency??
I would think hot water would be very bad. Can you room temp water with baking soda and lemon juice? Bud washing is a thing. I have yet to try though. Will they drown if swished around long enough...?
Please don't wash your buds with hot water.
You can wash with R/O water with a bit of lemon juice and baking soda, then rinse, everything at room temperature. And only a short amount of time.

I was under the assumption you done this when making hash to separate tricomes from bud, or, when you've sprayed pesticides through flower onto buds. I could be wrong though, I've got little to no experience with bud washing, just a bit of info picked up over time.

Are you sure you've got white flies? And not just spider mites? Are you growing indoors or outdoors? Room conditions?

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The mold isnt the issue, drying room is very low hunidity,and pretty warm.. My thot was if the rain doesnt bother them,tap water wont either...They live and nest under the leafs ,but i find few on sugar leafs on buds, but that was one plant tho..Other are in much better cindition..I treat them with pesticide, but that dont kill them all..there are always a few flying around..Yes Im sure that they are white flies.. Indoor (see my signature link)..
I've just had look through grow there. Got some nice lookin plants. I'm failing to see any white fly though?

I grow a few chillis in the summer, and one thing about whiteflies/greenflies/blackflies etc, if you've got a few in your environment, in a day or two, you will have hundreds. They multiply like wild fire! If you could post some pictures of said flies that would be great.

The tap water won't damage it, cannabis is just a plant like any other, used to growing out door, where the elements will effect the plant.

The reason I would advise against washing (please bare in mind this is just my opinion and have no experience of it) is that I would imagine you're getting to lose most of your tricromes in the process, and it's just another step to complicate things.

If you've got plenty of smoke, perhaps give it a go on a few buds, if you're in short supply, perhaps leave for a few grows?

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In that room my hum is from 20%-38% very rare,above that, and i let night temp fall around 18-20c.. I somebody told me that low hum. and temp sre keeping them to multyplie
Water Cured, use COLD water to wash your cannabis. Be Very gentle so as to not disturb your trichomes. Best way is to dunk them in a bucket easy like. We had some donated bud that had to be harvested in a hurry because of rain. We washed about 2 Lbs that were all muddy. Spread them out on a screen and turned them frequently, and separating buds so they didn't clump up and mold. We didn't smoke it though, we made medicine of course.

We Have smoke water cured bud before, just to see what it was like. It was more floral smelling and tasting. And not as intense as a flavor.

My Two
I wash 90% of my outdoor plants. Mostly for dust and bugs and bird sh*t. I use a 15 gal tote full of cold tap water, about 2cups of 29%h2O2, and a cup of lemon juice. I dunk branches and keep them under for 2-3 minutes moving gently, rinse in a 15gal tote of fresh cold water, again dunk and keep submerged for 1-2 minutes moving gently. Take out give a shake and hang in front of fan. Usually for about 12hrs then go to normal drying routine.. hope that helps.
thank you guys..