Harvest & Curing Wash dirt/bugs after harvest?

Jun 23, 2020
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This is my first grow. Planted in the ground in my garden. As I face the dilemma of when to harvest, I’m wondering if the process after chopping includes washing the bugs/dirt out of the buds? I really appreciate any direction as I’m clueless but learning!

Second question, don’t think the WW is quite ready, but as I mentioned, I’m clueless! Any feedback where I might be in relation to harvest of my WW auto in the pics below?


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Cut and hang. Most bugs will leave during the drying. ( so don't hang over your bed to dry). Washing is not the norm, but can be done. Back in the day we used to "water cure" to remove some of the typical cannabis odor when smoking. So, other than flavor and smell, washing shouldn't give you issues.
Cut and hang. Most bugs will leave during the drying. ( so don't hang over your bed to dry). Washing is not the norm, but can be done. Back in the day we used to "water cure" to remove some of the typical cannabis odor when smoking. So, other than flavor and smell, washing shouldn't give you issues.
I don’t have a good place to hang so I was planning on trying the brown bag method. Any ideas if I do it that way.
I wash in fresh water with H202 then rinse with water. Never had an issue with mold. I don't know about you but I don't like to consume dirt, bug and bird droppings from an outdoor grow. I live in a humid climate with a gravel road running by my fenced in grow area and dust from vehicles occasionally comes up in a cloud when it hasn't rained or they haven't recently brined the road.

I also make edibles and have an aversion to eating crap from bird droppings. There are instructions you can search for that tells you how much H2O2 to use per gallon of water. I have also used lemon juice and baking soda. Once you wash your weed you likely won't want to go without it after you see what comes off of it in the water.

Do an initial trim before washing.

Get an herb drying net and hang after washing for a day or two before placing in brown paper bags.
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I wash in fresh water with H202 then rinse with water. Never had an issue with mold. I don't know about you but I don't like to consume dirt, bug and bird droppings from an outdoor grow. I live in a humid climate with a gravel road running by my fenced in grow area and dust from vehicles occasionally comes up in a cloud when it hasn't rained or they haven't recently brined the road.

I also make edibles and have an aversion to eating crap from bird droppings. There are instructions you can search for that tells you how much H2O2 to use per gallon of water. I have also used lemon juice. Once you wash your weed you likely won't want to go without it after you see what comes off of it in the water.before

Do an initial trim before washing.

Get an herb drying net and hang after washing for a day or two before placing in brown paper bags.
Awesome, I’ll look that up and start planning. With how dirty my veggies get, I can’t imagine how nasty the buds get after 6-8 wks in the ground! Is there a reason you prefer H2O2 over lemon juice?
with a gravel road running by my fenced in grow area and dust from vehicles

same situ here, lol...all day, every day...sadly, dust is a fact o' life in the country, lol :doh: never done it before, but i'll def be wantin to wash me budz come chop time, uh-huh ;) ppp
Awesome, I’ll look that up and start planning. With how dirty my veggies get, I can’t imagine how nasty the buds get after 6-8 wks in the ground! Is there a reason you prefer H2O2 over lemon juice?
I used both H2O2 to wash and lemon juice and baking soda together. H2O2 gets rid of any bacteria and cleans the weed. Lemon juice and baking soda react together foaming, they also change the Ph in helping to stop any mold.

I do an initial quick trim and break large colas down to smaller sections. With photo plants last year I had huge colas bigger around than a 1 liter bottle and as long as my fist to elbow. Tightly packed.

I would have to look it up but I think for H2O2 the ratio is one quart per gallon of water but I use two quarts to five gallon bucket of well water for wash.

Then I rinsed with water in a 5 gallon bucket with a cup of baking soda and a cup of Real Lemon. Then dunk in bucket of fresh water.

Then rinse in fresh water, shake buds and hang to dry.

About two days later I do my final trim and keep all sugar leaves trimmings for edibles. The edibles I make with oil such as olive or coconut oil get me more wasted than smoking just from trim.

I use a Magical Butter decarb box and then an Infuzium 420 to process the oil with trim.
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A member on another forum shared pictures of the debris and insects removed from the buds of his outdoor grow using the water/peroxide wash and should I grow outdoors (or have pest problems indoors) I will be using the technique.
The baking soda and lemon juice never really made sense to me. All I can think of is that the CO2 that is generated helps loosen dirt, but I can't imagine that it stays active for more than 30 sec to a min before either the baking soda or the citric acid is all neutralized.
The baking soda and lemon juice never really made sense to me. All I can think of is that the CO2 that is generated helps loosen dirt, but I can't imagine that it stays active for more than 30 sec to a min before either the baking soda or the citric acid is all neutralized.
Changes ph so that mold won't grow as the spores are killed.